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Republican Party of Iowa
Phone 1: 515 282 8105 Phone 2:
Skype: Fax: 515 282 9019
Street Address:
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621 E 9th St
Postcode: 50309
Town / City: Des Moines
Postal Address:
621 E. 9th St
Postcode: 50309
Town / City: Des Moines
Prov / State: Iowa
Country: United States
1. 51 Government.
Keywords:In 1787 our founders gave us a “Republic”, the United States of America. This republic was to have a small federal government, limited in both scope and reach. Most powers were left with the individual states while the federal government’s powers were limited to foreign affairs and protecting the rights, freedom, lives and property of its citizens.

The Republicans of Iowa still believe that The United States of America is a special place, blessed by our Creator. We believe in the same hopes, dreams, principles and values of the founding fathers. We will continue to uphold the principles of individual rights and responsibilities. Adhere to traditional moral standards, a strong national defense, a free enterprise system and respect for the sanctity of human life. It is in the same spirit as the founding fathers that the patriotic citizens of Iowa join together to help ensure that these principles, values, hopes and dreams are preserved for our children and our children’s children.