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Birthday cake
Phone 1: 02 9386 4772 Phone 2:
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Street Address:
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48A Albion Street
Postcode: 2024
Suburb: Waverley
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Town / City:
Prov / State: New South Wales
Country: Australia
1. 42 Sales Retail.
2. 26 Food+Drink.
Keywords:Cupcakes Sydney, Birthday cupcakes, Online cupcakes, Birthday cake, Cupcake Princess

The Cupcake Princess became the first registered cupcake business in Sydney in 2004. We have come a long way since then, opening our flagship store in Waverley and serving customers locally, interstate and internationally. Using the finest fresh ingredients all our products are made from scratch daily with love in our nut free kitchen. The Cupcake Princess has been rated the best in Sydney by customers and high-end food magazines. We produce the best cupcakes for customers young and old!