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Electoral Vote
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Prov / State: District of Columbia
Country: United States
1. 51 Government.
2. 07 Communication.
Keywords:Welcome to Electoral Vote Predictor, which tracks political polls for U.S. federal elections. The site was immensely popular in 2004, ranking in the top 1000 Websites in the world and the top 10 blogs in the world, with about 700,000 visitors a day. In some surveys, it was the most popular election site in the country. In 2006, it tracked the Senate and House elections. In 2008, it tracked the presidential and congressional races and was getting over 1 million visitors a day at the end. Now it is looking (primarily) at the Senate and House races for 2010, but also paying some attention to gubernatorial races.
Unlike other sites, which track generic national polls, this site tracks the state-by-state polls.
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