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Apx03 Site Work NOTES (Stew)

1 Preparation
1.03A3.1 *** Agenda; Contract KICK OFF meeting
1.03A3.1 Agenda; KICK OFF & PROGRESS mtgs t
1.03A3< K1 ** Emergency
1.04 OjiFS Kinleith- shut planning
1.09 Fonterra Takanini
1.10 Site Work PLANNING***
1.10 Site Work Rules/ visit prep
1.11 Safe work planning & Notifiable work, Incidents
1.20 Visitors General
1.20 Visitors working- contractors
1.90 COMPLETION- cleanup
2 Drawings & Documents
10 Services Connections
11 Demolition & Construction Planning
13A New/ Hire/ Lease Equipment on site
20B Buildings
20B Epoxy Flooring
20B Food process Flooring
20B Insulated Panels (poly panels)
20Ba Area Access Procedure
30C Underground
50E Cooling Towers
60F Filters
84H Traffic change questions
85H General lifting
85H Deliveries to site
85.1H Crane lifts
=== K Risk, Safety, Services
110K NZ Government Registers
110K NZ Worksafe; NOTIFIABLE Work & Events
110K1 Emergency, Risk
110K2 Inductions; site and area
110K2 Project Safety
110K2 Safety Alerts
110K2 Safety- PPE
110K2 Take 5
110K5 Environmental
111Kc Hazardous Chemical Handling
111Kf Fire Protection
111Kn Noise
111Ks Steam Blow
=== L Piping info; ∆ Apx8 s90i
120LÏ€ Pipe supports
126.6 - L Gaskets and seals
126.8 - L installation
129 - Colours and Labels
=== M
130M Installation/ Shut Plan
132M - Site Work Permits
135M5 Asbestos removal
135M5 EWP (Elevated Work Platforms)
135M5 Working at heights
135Mc Construction notices
135Mf Bolting
135Mw Welding
137 - Worker training and licences
138 - M Scaffold
138 - M Tools
138 - W Electrical Equip
=== 140N Maintenance
140N Isolations- Lockout
150 o Corrosion/ Material Prop/ Coatings (proj wide)
153o Heat Treatment
153o SS Fabrication
159o Chemical Bund lining etc
159o Galvanising
159o Painting
170 QA ITP General
170 QA Laws, Public Stds, Company Stds, etc
170.01 QC === Inspection General; FAT & SAT
171.02 QC B Building ITP
171.03 QC C Civils, Layouts ITP
171.06 QC E Refrigeration equipment
171.09 QC i Instrumentation ITP
171.11 QC Kc Chemical- HSNO
171.12 QC L -Piping ITP
171.12 QC L -Hydrotesting
171.12 QC L Fibreglass, other Piping ITP (and tanks)
171.15 QC o Coating adhesion
171.16 QC Kf Natural Gas Piping
171.19 QC S Structural
171.19 QC S ITP Concrete
171.19 QC S ITP Structural Steel
171.20 QC T Tank ITP
171.22 QC V Valves
171.23 QC W Electrical
175 QC r Commissioning
179 QC r SAT (Site Acceptance Test)++
180 - Rc Chemicals
195.3 S5.3 Structural Steel
195.6 S5.6 Concrete
195.6 S5.6 Concrete walkways
200 T Tanks
201 T HSNO Tank Fabrication
210U Drives
211U Lubrication- Food site
230W Electrical
===== X Contract General & Key items
240X Schedule of Rates required for contract
241X Insurances- see Apx 2 s240X
242X Practical Completion
245X DLP & Guarantees
245X Title & Risk
250Y Admin
250Y Documentation
250Y1.4 Reporting
251Y1 Timeline
259Y Close out Documents
300 Fonterra Contract
Index, Abbreviations & Definitions
to be sorted
not logged in
Organisation Phone Street address City Email & WWW
1 Preparation
+ BEFORE task can be done, what other work (inspections, measurements, records, isolations, tests, etc);
. . need to be completed (related to this task or other tasks)?
^ ApxA2f06 √Design+Improve.docx - Appendix A Safe & Improved Design & Site Work
- what are the Risk and HSE issues? (∆ Apx03 s111+2
- do we need a written Work Plan? Who needs to review the plan?
- AFTER; what work is to follow and how will it be handed over? Will they be ready for taking over?
- When is handover? How does this affect transport, customs, insurance, unloading/ installation, testing, ownership?
- what QA is required? Consents? (; Apx03 s170.01 ITP)
- what reviews are reqd? Design, HAZOP, HACCP, Legal, Constructability, Commissioning, HSE, etc
- UNO 1 week is required to review shop drawings, Work Plans, ITP, data for reviews, etc
- what skills, equip, materials and information is required? Who is contact person(s)?
- is admin complete; PO/ contract, consents, insurance certs, bonds, inductions, training, current drgs & spec, Client approval?
- Please ensure that work is to Good Manufacturing Practice, so we can be proud of our work and no one is hurt.
- Dumb questions are easier to handle than dumb mistakes

===== also
∆ "Apx0 Legends, Contents, etc;
∆ Apx01 Proj Admin Notes.
∆ Apx02 Design & Purchasing Notes.
∆ Apx03 Site Work NOTES
∆ Apx04 Commissioning
∆ Apx05 Operations
∆ Apx06 Maintenance
∆ Apx08 Reference Info
∆ Apx10 Computer Notes

∆ Project/ Site specific MyLizt
===== also refer Apx Eng; PROFESSIONALS Apx Eng; SERVICES Apx Eng; SUPPLIERS

===== Legend
∆ xxx; reference Web page xxx
^ xxx; reference document xxx
++ improvements/ ways of doing things better

* this list is frequently modified, so print/ pdf the section for your reference

Site Work Documents
   MA, US
Forex rates | NZD=
   WGN, NZ
1, 3, 5, 7, 8 or 10 day weather forecast.
Wind and rain
Weather c/o The AMS Group,
Sea Meadow House
Road Town
   -, VG
   -, IE
World Time Zone
   NJ, US
1.03A3.1 *** Agenda; Contract KICK OFF meeting
J# _____________ . . Date: __ ___ __ . . Contractor:
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
*** review s1.03A3.1 Agenda; PROGRESS Meetings

===== 1 Introduction
This checklist gives assistance on working together, so there are no surprises

===== 2 Scope
2a See contract or PO and attachments.
2b Scope; changes . . clarifications . .
2c For measure/ rates contracts; how will measurement be done? . . How will completed/ expected be reported to Client?
. Variation will be required when going over (or expected to go over) estimated quantity

Cleaning; before, during, after, . . (quarantining scrap)
For services; see . 1.03A3.1 Agenda; PROGRESS Meetings ==2.3

Contractor to supply work plan

===== 3 Implementation
Legend; ∆ Apx0 s130M Legend Construction
== 3a . WMS (Work Method Statement):
Work Plan of how the work will be completed (and to record progress);
. What, When, Who, . . Resources, equipment, tools, . . Contingencies, weather protection, etc.
. prep, work, post, . staff, tools, training, verification (ITP), hold points, etc
What affect will the work have on other . equipment, . work, . people, . access?
Do you have control of all materials, equipment/ tools, labour, resources, etc for the works? (owned, purchased, hired, borrowed)
== Also see below; s4 ITP, . s5 JSA, . s6 Timeline

===== 4 QC
ITP (based on WMS) for; prevention, detection, non conformance correction, improvement. . . Include Hold Points
Fixing problems that are due to the Contractor’s workmanship or materials, will be completed at no cost to the Client.
See s2 and s3 and xxx
QC to be reviewed/ updated every xxx. Ie confirmation that completing QC checks and docs.

Supplier warranty of workmanship and parts or equipment supplied?
What support is available from Supplier after work completed, ie DLP?

Feedback is requested on:
. HSE, management, costs, procedures, commercial, etc. What was bad, ok, really good. Suggested improvements

== Legal
Comply with ALL laws and regulations (Federal, State and Local) and Owner’s and Client’s procedures.
Is there Notifiable work? Who is doing notification? Copy of nonfiction?

===== 5 HSE & Risk
Legend; ∆ Apx0 s130M Legend Construction

Contractors' Safety Rep= xxx

JSA if not included in WMS (from s3 above),
or . a SSSP (Site Specific Safety Plan) to be prepared and submitted for the Client’s approval, before starting work on site.
or . WMS and JSA
Is there Noticeable work? Who by? Copy of notification to client.
# have rescue plans been rehearsed

= Work permits . . see s132M for Work Permits required
Comply with Site Rules, Inductions, Wear PPE
All leads tested and tagged

== Housekeeping (safety for you and others).
Items to be quarantined?

*** Risk review and mitigation plans to be provided; scope . timing . quality

=== Disaster preparation
1 What is your plan in a disaster? (earthquake, fire, flood, accident, disease/ health, emissions/ discharge, ...)
2 Who are the right people to notify? (site team, family, company management, client, authorities, media, ...)
3 How will it be done?
4 Loss prevention minimisation? What is critical?
5 What is the continuity plan?
6 What is the recovery plan?
7 Have you done/ updated the risk assessment?
8 Is an ERT (Emergency Response Team) needed?

Can you get home (petrol)? Can you message home?
^8K Essity WIN-25533-v.1.0 Loss Prevention Instruction MU

===== 6 Project Timeline & Reporting (see progress meeting notes)
Project Timeline- format, available, hold points, etc
. __ weekly, __ daily, __ monthly, __ other

===== 7 Contacts See separate list/ MyLizt

===== 8 Documentation
Contractor (and subbies) to confirm:
[ ] Work Plan => WMS + JSA (or SSSP), or SMWS, incl Lift plan
[ ] Timeline
[ ] ITP, . . As builts, . . QA Pack (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4)
[ ] Risk analysis may be reqd (or review Client's)
[ ] OSH notifications
[ ] All personnel have done all inductions. (Docs to client. This will be audited, how do you present it?)
. . Client requirements are: ___
[ ] PTW; to cover: ___
[ ] All tools are inspected and tagged. (This will be audited)
[ ] Relevant personnel have licences to do what they are doing. (Docs to client. This will be audited)
. . __ PTW Receiver, __ Hot work, __ CSE, __ Heights, __ etc
[ ] Complete daily job or equipment checklists
[ ] Regular safety audits
[ ] Timeline updates
[ ] Daily update of Hazard ID board
[ ] other

* If work is on hourly/ cost plus basis; Timesheets SIGNED daily by Client.
* Reporting reported: daily, weekly? Method; verbal, written/ email, formal?

* review s1.10 Site Work planning
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

1.03A3.1 Agenda; KICK OFF & PROGRESS mtgs t
PROGRESS MEETING; . . J# _____________ . . Date: ___ ____ ___ . . Contractor/ Task: __
∆ s1 Preparation and s170 QA
^ ApxY3.1f01 Proj Admin-a6, ^ ApxM8f01 aM Site Meeting, ^ ApxM1f07 Site Equip list, ^ ApxM8f01 √Shut,Sitework

===== 1
Recent Safety Incidents; • this project, • this site, • other similar places,
^ ApxK2.2 aA Safe Design
^ ApxK2.2f01 Safety Implementation aA Toolbox 220916
. __ Any Urgent/ Serious HSE action items?

__ Contact list
Keep the us informed of changes, so there are NO SURPRISES

History shows 80-90% of people do as they are told, whether right or wrong. Most don't think about it.
Please think about what you are doing and if you think something is wrong, please talk to me about it

Is there anyone who will not do what is necessary for them and their staff to stay safe?

===== 2.1
2a Any issues with the Scope/ work? __
2b any scope changes . . clarifications reqd? __
** 2c work progress measurement/ reporting/ How is progress- against plan? __
2d How can we take advantage of good progress (ie early completion)? __

Work plan; changes, deviation, issues

== 2.2 . Work planned;
What are the KEY TASKS/ Projects? ______

Issues; __ Design, __ Materials or parts, __ Labour, __ Construction
. __ access (reqd or will be blocked), __ adjacent work, __ lifts, __ s5 notifiable
ITP s4; __ Testing/ Inspection due in next period? __ Inspections that need planning for? __ Approvals?

==2.3 . Necessities
Skills/ training; __ inductions, __ LOTO, __ CSE, __ heights, __ welding, __ forklift, __ special, __ etc
Staff and Subbies; training (site & skills), equipment, materials, access. Site training, incl procedures and culture.. . xxx
__ materials/ parts arriving, . __ leaving, __ quarantine. When reqd? __
__ Equipment arriving, . __ leaving. When is free issue equipment required? __
__ Hire equipment available, __ back up reqd/ avail
__ Tools; esp fire and safety, lighting, special, etc
__ Chemicals (SDS required & approved by Client for use on site). __ Approval takes time
__ Housekeeping, __ rubbish removal
__ Food site= need to keep clean (pest free)

__ how do these impact (improve) the timeline? Critical path
? Can this be done safer and better (ApxA2f06 aA Safe & Improved Design & Site work)?
What work needs to be done, that no one is doing?

== 2.4 . Services reqd (what, quantity and when)?
. __ Power (RCD), __ genset, __ Air, __ Water, __ Gases, ___ FW, ___ Waste/ scrap (quarantine), __ Cleaning,
. __ Ventilation (or HVAC), __ Craneage, __ Rigging, __ Scaffold, __ Weather proofing, __ Hole watch, __ Radios
. __ NDT, __ Code Inspections, __ Lube, __ other
. __ Site offices, __ WC, __ lunch room, __ other

== 2.5 Are there any Variations of:
. __ Scope?
. __ Timing?
. __ Cost?

Are there Cost/ contractual issues?
Variation status (scope, performance, technical, cost, time)

===== 3 Any Technical issues?
Do I know what to do? . . . ie do I have the drgs, docs, time needed?
Do I have the tools, materials & people needed? . . Access (structural, personal, tools)

All work shall comply with:
** IFC drawings and specifications (see current drg list for correct revision)
• Does Contractor have ALL these docs
• Laws and Regulations, Client’s Standards, Owner’s standards

=== Toolbox meetings
Suppler to hold a Toolbox meeting at the beginning of each shift AND when starting a significant new task.
Where there is significant interaction with other teams, then they are to be involved in the meeting
Will you be setting an example for others

===== 4 QC (ITP)
Welding (∆Apx0 s130Mw; VC, VT, MT, PT, RT, UT, XT)

===== 5 HSE & Risk; . . advise if any of the following is possible/ likely:
Risk assessment;
PPE; __ hi viz, __ hard hat, __ safety glasses, __ steel caps, __ gloves, __ fully covered, __ hearing, __ other=
HSE for above
. __ First aiders, __ first aid kit, __ Rescue plan, __ practiced?, __ hospital
. __ Emergency plan (up to date); for __ health, __ safety, __ environmental, __ other?
. __ Have emergency plans been rehearsed?

Is your work site safe for access, working, emergency egress, visitors unfamiliar with work area, has it changed, etc. When did you last check?
Safety Reps names; good to talk to each other

• H&S instruction book/ instruction: Site: __________________ . Suppliers: _____________
LOTO procedure
Physical hazards- eg slips, trips, falls, manual handling, contact with objects, struck by tools, equipment, plant, machinery, electricity, vibration.
Environmental – eg noise, dust, watercourses, temperature, wind, glare, lighting, bushfire, radiation, hot/cold surfaces.
Ergonomic – eg manual handling, posture, sedentary tasks, repetitive motion, human factors.
Psychological – eg fatigue, stress, anxiety, claustrophobia, bullying, emotion, resilience.
Biological – eg insects/animal bites, communicable diseases.
Chemicals and substances – eg solvents, asbestos, flammables, corrosives, oxidisers, SS passivation, other=

== High risk work
. __ working on electrical equipment, __ working at height, __ working in confined spaces; welding fumes, __ crane lifts; __ working remotely/ alone, __ temp extremes, __ excavations/ trenches, __ demolition, __ explosives/ blasting, __ drowning risk, __ diving, __ contaminated atmospheres, __ near pressure equipment, __ near gas/ chemical/ fuel lines, __ rotating machinery, __ near large mobile machinery, __ near temporary works, __ structural alterations, __ other contractors, __ etc.

= (s110) Is there Notifiable work __.? Has Worksafe been Notified? __ Copy of Notification to Client.
= (s132) JSA, Permits, licences, qualifications, etc

***** Before starting work, do take 5 (see s110 K2)

===== 6.1 Timeline
All work to be to Client's project timeline
All trades, NDT, testing, handovers to be included
Expected/ Practical completion (handover); _______________ . . . Site work complete; _______________ . . . All/ paper work complete; _______________
- when will item be handed over? . . When was item handed over to next team? __

== 6.2 Progress, reporting . (ApxY1.1f05 example)
# Any issues to be advised to Client immediately (that could affect; scope, quality, cost, timeline)

Brief report; . . use bullet point format, don't write a book. Email is satisfactory as it is easy to write and easy to read.
* Actions completed last period (with photos, for the record are helpful)
* Action planned for next period and significant future items, incl interface with others, hold points due
* List of Contract Instructions and Variations (approved, submitted, needed, see =9), (scope change, timeline change, cost change)
* Progress against timeline (hard numbers are more useful, than "on schedule", {eg ≈ 5 pumps installed, 3 to install})
* Expected completion date or dates for portions
* Expected final cost (compared to budget) . . . this may be hours or dollars
* Status of handover paperwork (ie up to date, or issue with xxx)
# Areas of concern (keep item on list until resolved)

. Project work; Weekly/ Daily; . . with hours worked, number of staff on project, expected final cost
. Site work; Weekly/ Daily; . . with hours work, number of staff, expected handover date/ time, significant cost variations

Is the work ready for payment?
Shut meetings=

===== 7.1 Admin, Contacts
Are there any systems that are not working properly AND/ OR could be approved?
What outstanding issues do we have?

== 7.2 People
Are there new people coming to site, who do not know (are familiar with) our systems?

===== 8 Documentation
Are "as built" drawings up to date? __
Ensure workers have necessary drugs, timeline, contacts

===== 9 Costing
It is important that the Contractor notifies the Client as soon as an issue arises and then there are NO SURPRISES.
Prior to starting any change (scope, time, cost) . . Variation Order is reqd (see variation procedure)
• When fixed price, reports to incl; original cost, variations (approved and yet to be approved)
• When Reimbursable work, reports to incl; Costs to date, Summary of changes (est), Est final cost
* Review breakdown of price schedule and what is incl/ excl from each
- What governs in tables, if there is a difference between total or sum of items.

- Do the schedule rates include overheads and profit (for work added/ work removed). Can note be added to schedule?
Review approach/ cost breakdown that will be used for variations;
• if acceleration/ extension of time
• cost increases/ decreased

Have contractors been selected and POs been issued for all work? Have they confirmed they can do the work
see Apx02 Design & Purchasing Notes. s240X for T&Cs

=== Timesheets
COMPLETE Timesheets to be submitted for signing the day after
Timesheets submitted 3 days late will not be accepted.
An Excel spreadsheet with ALL details to be supplied each . . week/ month, for checking

===== Finally
Has any to the above affected your ability to do work safely?
• Dumb questions are easier to handle than dumb mistakes

1.03A3< K1 ** Emergency
Do you need an emergency plan? Do you have one?
What emergencies do you need to plan for? What additional hazards will there be in an emergency?
What training, equipment, tools, drills, etc is needed for the plan?

What are the emergency alarms? Did you hear them last time they went off?
Where is the assembly area? How do you get there?

=== In an emergency
How will you check that your team is safe/ needs help?
Who will they notify, that they are ok/ need help? (so resources are best used)
Who do you call for help? . fire . ambulance . police . company
What are possible emergencies?
Who are your first aiders? Where is your first aid kit?
What equipment do you need?

Are your cell phones charged? Are they available if you evacuate?
Who has the contact names, if you are hurt?
Do you have sufficient petrol in your car?
Does each person, need a variation from the main plan (eg because of family situation, medication, travel, etc)?

1.04 OjiFS Kinleith- shut planning
From m197 s1.8 Beca Kinleith.

=== Shut Prep . (ref Apx03 s1.03A3.1)
Ensure training complete for; PTW receivers, . Hot work, . CSE, . Heights, . etc
. Training record to Oji FS well before shut (C&K; Trevor Lamont)
PO & Instructions for scaffold, . rigging, . craneage, . hole watch, . NDT, . etc
. early to ensure that suppliers are available
Leads to be tested and tagged
Gas ordered

=== Site ops and Maint contacts
Cleaning (C&K + S&R Brian Atkinson)
Site offices (Kerry Brown)
Requests for Power- RCD (C&K + S&R; Geof Moree)
NDT requests (Casey Nordick)
Code inspections (Laurence Brown- Chris Swart)
Lubrication (C&K; Brett Dequaasteinet, S&R Wayne Flutey)
Scrap (; m 027 808 4360)

From Supplier; Work Plan, . ITP, . Timeline

1.09 Fonterra Takanini
For site specific notes see:

1.10 Site Work PLANNING***
This list is based on a large project. On a smaller project many steps can be simplified, combined or skipped.
∆ s1 Preparation and s170 QA
∆ s12 Working on site
∆ s13 New/ Hire/ Lease Equipment on site
∆ . . consider for SSSP (JSA, SWMS, etc)

√√√ check list
SOW; Scope of Work, . incl drawings, specs & standards; . . incl WLT= Work List, services, suppliers, . . ITP, Testing (inspectors)
. Secured; . labour, sub contractors, painters, NDT, demolition, freight, housekeeping
. Materials, parts, . in house equipment, . hired equipment,
. access
Timeline, . into shut plan, . . reporting
WMS; Work Method Statement (Work Plan- can it be done safer?), . Risk Assessment
JSA; Job Safety Analysis
SDS (chemicals)- certified handler?
Notifications- . site, . Ops, . others (contractors), - s110K NZ Worksafe; NOTIFIABLE Work & Events
Site & area inductions; . current? . access cards
Drugs and Alcohol, . Fatigue, . Medication

= training, equipment for below
First Aiders, First Aid Kit (stocked); Defibrilators- emergency contacts,
HACCP; Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (to ensure contamination is avoided)
Safety Showers, . eyewash stations
Housekeeping by ? . rubbish to ? . Quarantine ?
PTW; Permit To Work- . Permit issuer, . Permit Receiver
HWP; Hot Work Permit- . training, . Fire Watch (extinguishers, hoses, fire blankets, cleaning, etc), . fire watch
LOTO; Isolations- trained, padlocks (with ID)
WAH; Fall prevention/ Fall arrest, Work Positioning System , . training, . harnesses/ equipment current, . anchors, . safety nets- Working at Heights permit
. . Worksafe 'Best practice guidelines for working at height in New Zealand'
EWP- . trained
Scaffolding- . training . . weekly check, . Ladders
Confined space permit- . hole watch (gas detection), . confined space training- BA training
Penetration permit
Electrical leads, tools tagged (3 mo)
Asbestos check, permit, people- . trained
Lead paint- Procedure in JSA- . trained
Lifting- manual, . to higher levels
Forklift operation- . trained
Crane certification- . Crane driver, dog man trained, . Slings and strops current, . mancages
Area control; warning tape, barriers, signage, removal after
Ventilation (hazards?)
Environmental; . Spill control

Safety observer, . Rescue plan, audits
Toolbox talks

Tradies quals; skills above, Welders (WPS, PQR, WQR), Electricians, Inspectors, other

=== Essity; JSA & PTW
^223K.3 Contractor Induction º.pdf
p20; PPE
p32; JSA
" . . . Asbestos, Confined Space, Excavation and Break in, Fire Services Impairment, Hot Work, Work at Height, Work in High Temperature areas
Site alarms; assembly area by Eng Lockwood

== Preliminary Planning
WLT= Work List
WPN= Work Plan
WMS (Work Method Statement) for Client review and how it will affect production, other projects, preparatory work, following work, site safety, etc
- review ApxM1f05 Works PLAN.docx s2 Questions for Suppliers
- Consider safe work methods (ApxA2f06 vDesign+Improve-appA Safe.pdf)
Preliminary Timeline (to allow planning with production and other projects). Review s251 below
Risk assessment with/ by Client
List of Services etc to be supplied by Client (s10 Services Connections)

== Final Plan
WMS, with draft JSA (Job Safety Analysis) or SSSP (Site Specific Safety Plan)
- incl comments from above reviews, assessments
- JSA will be finalised at start of job
Final Timeline. Review s251 below
Testing/ Handover procedure

== Checklists that may be useful
- ApxM1f07 Site Equip list.xlsx (incl Consumables, Equipment, Admin, etc)
- ApxM8f01 √Shut,Sitework.doc
- ApxQ1f01 STANDARDS List.docx
- Client Standards
- Public Standards/ Codes
- Laws, Regulations, Codes of Practice,

##### Site Concerns/ Risks
_ Hazards to people/ workers; production, maintenance, admin, visitors, services (cleaners, rubbish, etc)
_ Hazards to production OUTSIDE factory;
. . damage to buildings, air intakes (odour, dust, vermin, other), pumps, equipment, piping, rubbish, transport on- off site
_ Hazards to production INSIDE factory;
. . damage to plant, buildings, product contamination (solids, liquids, gases, disease, chemicals), process shutdown
_ FSQ (Food, Safety & Quality) risks; vermin (rodents, birds, insects), disease (people, airborne)
_ Food factory; breaching building envelope, redline protocol, etc
_ Discharges to stormwater or trade waste
_ Noise, general, production, neighbours, etc
_ Legal risks; consents, laws, codes of practice, etc
_ Risks to project timeline, risks to other projects
_ Risks to project costs, risks to other projects

Practical Safety Advice- Site Safe;

Audit sheet;
1.10 Site Work Rules/ visit prep
The following are required before staring on site;
_ Site and area inductions
_ PPE . Hi viz, steel caps (not elastic?), long sleeves, long trousers (material)
_ Site contact

_ EWP certificates
_ Scaffolders tickets
_ Crane tickets
_ List of first aiders

_ Camera
_ Tape, laser tape

_ transport
_ accommodation

1.11 Safe work planning & Notifiable work, Incidents
∆ Apx2 s1.11
∆ "Apx3 s1.11

===== Equipment (and construction) to be designed to minimise hazards during equipment life;
- manufacture, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and eventual removal.

typically reducing the following is safer and cheaper;
- site work, cranage, working at heights, working in confined spaces, excavations, hazardous substances, need for special PPE, hot work, non standard skills, special tools, need to remove guards, notifiable work.

Where possible increase use;
- Shop fabrication, experienced suppliers, standard materials.

See ApxA2f06 vDesign+Improve-appA Safe & Improved Design & Site Work

===== Can we prevent notifiable work? . . s110

Notifiable INCIDENTS: . . . .
What is a notifiable incident:

You must notify Worksafe and Client Project Manager

===== Hazard board
Company- Project name
Do not enter unless you are part of the team (or with a team member)
Everyone to read & sign JSA before entering
Project Mgr; . . . contact. . . . Other contacts
First aiders- contacts
Copy of JSA

^ 1Y4 ApxY Sign .docx
Barriers, tape (with signs)

Notifiable work
1.20 Visitors General
Visitors to an industrial site will need to
_ notify appropriate people, PRIOR to coming to site
_ ensure you have the correct PPE; check with host
_ ensure you have suitable footwear; check with host
_ only park in allocated spaces, check with host prior or gate house on arrival
_ have site/ area inductions before "working" on site.
_ if sub contractor, complete main contractor's induction

- do not stray out of visitor areas without a host
- Backing; if you do NOT have good visibility, ensure you have a spotter when backing
_ check with host before taking photos

Check and comply with site speed limit
Keys to be left in vehicle, so it can be moved if needed, except in a signposted and marked carpark.

===== Permit To Work
A permit to work is not required:
- where equipment is not shut down OR likely to be shut down
- for site inspection and photos
- for site measurements
- typically if no tools are required, the PTW typically not reqd

=== Verbal PTW
For minor work, that is

Ref: ^PK Fonterra Global PTW Procedures - Section 05

1.20 Visitors working- contractors
_ complete site induction
_ many areas also require an area induction, prior to entry or work
_ ensure portable electrical power tools? etc have a current tag (max 3 months)
_ ensure workers are trained in the correct use of their equipment.

_ have a WMS (Work Method Statement) or equivalent
_ have a JSA (Job Safety Analysis) or equivalent. Draft may be required before hand. This is to be reviewed and update at the toolbox talk at start of job.
_ obtain PTW (Permit to Work) PRIOR to starting any work

_ stop and review the PTW with issuer if the work/ work method changes

# training records, equipment tags, expiry dates, etc will be audited prior to and during work

1.90 COMPLETION- cleanup
Remove all tools, materials, rubbish
Borrowed tools returned
Emu parade
Inspection of work areas by Client/ operations
Padlocks off

Punch list complete
NDT complete
QA packages complete- handover when
Isolations removed
Notifications to xxx
List of follow up work

2 Drawings & Documents
**/ MyLizt/270; 2 s2
Refer to following (in order of priority):
1 Contract Variations, Red line markups
2 Detail drawings
2 Arrangement drawings
4 General notes
5 Technical Specification.

If in doubt, contact Client for clarification

10 Services Connections
Who is supplying, where from and who is doing connection/ isolation:

=======================size, qty, location/ connection, date installed/ removed, temporary/ construction, permanemt
3 phase power (xxx V, xxx A). Starting/ operating
1 phase power (xxx V, xxx A). Starting/ operating
Potable water (size, connection, BOP, BOT, EDP, EDT, hydrotest, flush)
Compressed air (size, connection, BOP, BOT, EDP, EDT, press test, blow)
Fire protection (isolation, modifications, permanent, temporary)
Fire alarms
Chemicals (for construction, operating, maintenance, connections/ tie ins/ flush to/ from)
Fuel liquid (quantity, monitoring, refill)
Fuel Gas (size, connection, BOP, BOT, EDP, EDT, press test, blow, purge)


11 Demolition & Construction Planning
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

ApxM1f05 Works PLAN.docx s2 Questions for Suppliers

13A New/ Hire/ Lease Equipment on site
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
ref: ApxQ1f01 1609 STANDARDS List.doc
Review below s85.1 Crane Lifts

PREPARATION; When hire/ lease equipment is brought to site, the following are to be provided or proof that they have been completed (a written statement from competent person that it has been completed or is not required, may be acceptable):
This is to make sure the equipment is safe, legal and reliable.

===== A Pre delivery
_ Performance curve/ parameters and expected operating and test point(s)
_ Installation Work Plan or equivalent (ref ApxM1f05 Works PLAN)
_ When must tie ins be made? See s10 Services Connections
_ What is the flow normal/ mini/ max/ start; (water, air, amps, steam, gas, etc)
_ Delivery and operating dimensions and weights

_ Details on safety/ risk reviews carried out
_ Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regs 1999
_ . . Hazard Level (AS4343) for all pressure equipment and piping
_ . . Design verification for HL= A, B, C & D. Construction verification for HL= A, B, C
_ . . List of pressure equipment with date when next inspection due
_ . . List of all safety devices, with last test date and when next due
_ . . List of all lifting equipment and when next inspection due
_ Hazardous area classification
_ Compliance with; Gas Act 1992,
_ . . Gas (Safety and Measurement) Regulations 2010,
_ . . AS/NZS 5601.1 Gas installations - Part 1: General installations
_ HSNO approval for equipment, tanks, pumps etc.
_ SDS, quantities, approved handlers, spill control for all hazardous chemicals (both Supplier's and Client's). Approval will be required for new chemicals.
_ . . Have you requested and read Client's spill control procedure?
_ Electrical COC (Certificate of Compliance) for equipment
_ How do we check that old equipment is still safe and reliable?
_ List of instruments (and alarms) with calibration dates(for process reliability)
_ Details on pre delivery checks.

===== B Arriving on site
- see s85H Lifting below
_ Installation WMS (Work Method Statement) or equivalent (pre approval required if high risk). To incl, Work Method, health, Safety, Environment.
_ Permit to work, need JSA [Job Safety Analysis] or SWMS [Safety Work Method Statement])
_ Who has checked the interface, installation power, power factor, controls/ comms, pumping/ pipes, other services, locations, etc is all correct
_ All elect leads to be tagged (AS/NZS 3012 and ApxM8f06 1406+ Site Work NOTES--appW Elect Equip.pdf)
_ Guarding is in place and complies with AS 4024.1 Series Safety of machinery or equivalent
_ Supplier's QA report that equipment is set up correctly (and site tested)
_ Typically replaced items to stay on site/ in place until new has proved successful
_ Electrical COC (Certificate of Compliance) for installation

_ Operating/ test data; showing how operation is on performance curve (against parameters)
_ Manuals that Client needs for operation (paper and ecopy)
_ Training of Client's staff; operations and maintenance

===== C Ongoing:
_ Supplier support
_ Supplier's regular checks and support. Agreed written report that these has been completed (daily weekly, etc). To include; legal, code, safety, reliability, compliance, interface use (compared with above)
_ Operating instructions (for Client)
_ Checklist and tasks for Client to complete
_ List of contacts, especially out of hours
_ Report on all callouts (email or formal as appropriate)
_ Top ups of fuel, chemicals, etc
_ Emergency procedures

===== D Close out/ removal plan
_ including reinstatement

20B Buildings
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

===== Roof
Roof iron to be turned up under ridging
Roof iron to be turned down into spouting

===== Sub surface Waterproofing
How is the waterproofing held in place (while it is a boat) during construction

20B Epoxy Flooring
Below is the information from Sika for the adhesion test equipment. Below are links for it in use on YouTube:
The inner dolly is glued to the test piece and the outer body is lifting this off while working against the surrounding surface.

20B Food process Flooring
**^ See notes from Sika Flooring seminar

20B Insulated Panels (poly panels)
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Panels to be FRIP= Fire Resistant Insulated Panels. (normal polystyrene burns very easily)

===== Sealant
**^Sabre Seal; Sealant Training Guide
**^ mo Sabre Seal CR; for installation, incl gap to thickness

===== Rusty marks (from grinding dust etc)
Remove with Jiff

=== Fonterra
Panels to be FRIP= Fire Resistant Insulated Panels. See FES for gap size and painting.

Sealant; food premises, to be white (so it shows if dirty)
Acceptable brands; Maxilam Sabre-Seal CR, (Selleys Wet Areas Silicon Sealant?). Other brands with Client's approval

20Ba Area Access Procedure
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Who approves access? How?
Who makes this possible? How: keys, swipe cards, other?
Who cancels access? How?
** see s112- Inductions; site and area
Who is managing security? How will security know what they are to control?

Access to Site or areas;

- Construction and Pre commissioning
- Commissioning
- Testing
- Handover

- Trades and contractors
- Cleaners, Security
- Management; Supplier & Client
- Suppliers and sales people, trucks with equipment deliveries
- Specialists, who only come occasionally
- Operational suppliers (chemicals, gases, raw materials, waste disposal, etc

30C Underground
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

^ 3180C0~1--U90r1 Trench; for pipe and cable depths and identification (^ ApxC0~.xlsx)

50E Cooling Towers
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

===== Management
- AS/NZS 3666.1 Air-handling and water systems of buildings - Microbial control - Design, installation and commissioning
- AS/NZS 3666.3 Air-handling and water systems of buildings - Microbial control - Performance-based maintenance of cooling water systems

=== Sanitising and On going dosing
eg PE Aggreko STD-DOC-S0-16 Cooling Tower Policy and 3E Aggreko Sanitise and Commisioning Certificate 2017

Ecolab NZ Main Office+64 7 958 2333 2 Daniel Place Hamilton
   WKO, NZ
Aggreko's preferred water treatment company
Visentia Limited09 216 9824
   AUK, NZ
Cooling Tower water treatment: Dylan Harrison;, m +64 27 685 6998
60F Filters
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Filter element; grade. What is needed for commissions, then operating?
When will it be installed (after flushing, commissioning)?
What is the proof/ record that element installed?

If sanitary filter, what is the method for ensuring that element/ filter stays sanitary?
Is a hoist or other method reqd for opening filter/ removing element?
Where are spare or replacement elements?

84H Traffic change questions
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

- who are stakeholders (normal, occasional)
- emergency; ambulance, fire, evacuation
- disability parks and access

- Signage. Will it be visible amongst background)
- notices to site (email & security)
- notice at gate (swipe card) for visitors

85H General lifting
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

- will more than manual handling be needed?
- people might not be looking where they are going, are there trip/ fall hazards?
- how will the load be safely rigged, then unrigged?
- what is in the "drop zone"? How critical is the item lifted?
_ has daily checks been done

Certified or tested;
_ chain blocks, strops, lifting frame
_ is the lifting point designed for lifting (tested, certified)
_ what if any of the above fail? Is the safety items rated, in place

===As a guideline for all equipment CONSIDER:
J.3.8.1 Lugs or clips for use in loading and unloading tanks and for use in placing tanks on foundations shall be provided on all tanks constructed in accordance with this appendix. (SHOP-ASSEMBLED STORAGE TANKS)
J.3.8.2 There shall be a minimum of two lugs on each tank. The location of the lugs shall be agreed upon by the Purchaser and the Manufacturer: The lugs shall preferably be located at the top of the tank, in pairs, 180 degrees apart.
J.3.8.3 Lugs and their attachment welds shall be designed to carry their share of the applied load (twice the empty weight of the tank) distributed in a reasonable manner and based on a safety factor of 4.
J.3.8.4 Lugs capable of carrying the load described in J.3.8.3 shall be designed and attached in a manner that will not damage the tank.

# Equipment shall not be lifted other than using an identified (and marked) lug or lifting point (without approval).

85H Deliveries to site
===== Packing
All equipment and materials shall be packaged suitable for freighting, put on truck suitable for safe transport and SAFE UNLOADING on site.
- Lifting lugs, fork lift or lifting points to be clearly marked, so equipment is not damaged when unloading.
- Supplier shall check with Client if machinery is available on site for unloading (forklifts, etc).

===== As this is a large site with many people on site, all deliveries to include:
- Name of recipient
- Ph number of recipient
- Company Recipient works for
- PO number
# packages without name and ph number are likely to be rejected

85.1H Crane lifts
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
^mH CICA & CANZ guidance.pdf
^mH Mobile Crane setup.pdf

WorkSafe NZ cranes-acop-2009 MU (Mobile cranes P4, P10)
WorkSafe NZ_Transportation and Erection of Precast
Precast NZ; Handling, Transportation and Erection of Precast Concrete

===== 1 In planning consider:
- lifting frames, spreaders, strops. Designed and tested by who?
- lifting lugs (see s85 H General above). Reid anchors (precast panels). Stropping drg
# only lift from designed/ specified lifting points.
- how will load be safely rigged?
- where will load travel (Risk to what if load or component drops)
- radius during pickup, traverse, placing, (setting up large cranes)
- what are the overhead hazards (power lines, structures, trees, buildings, other cranes, etc)
- How do we isolate items (power, liquids) if they get damaged?
- tail swing clearance
- risk if crane topples (areas to be evacuated for lift)
- location of crane outriggers; ground condition, UG services, etc. Mats/ pads, dunnage required. [1]
- LARGE lifts; where will other vehicles be positioned (access & egress), counterweight truck, etc? (Drawing essential if more than 1 vehicle.)
- is ground level/ sloping? Wheel chocks for truck?
- location of team members during phases of lift (visibility, safe lift, emergency, radios reqd).
- workers might not be looking where they are walking. Is there uneven ground, trip/ fall hazards?
- pinch points during; pickup, traverse, placing. How to prevent?
- approaching load (when can or can't staff approach). How is load controlled (tag lines, poles, etc)
- risk of load moving when/ after placing (risk to people, equipment)
- wind issues; control, risk to people/ other equipment, wind limit (forecast, measurement?)
- other traffic and pedestrian control
- do we need to keep others out of area? How?
- is back up or fall back plan required?
- type of PPE listed in plan=
- how will load be safely unrigged?
- what is crane company's most common safety problem? What is industry's most common crane safety problem? # Videos below.
- Is this Notifiable to WorkSafe (Heading s112 below);
* . . LIST of items reqd from the client, (we may miss items in the body of the lift plan/ notes)

===== 2 At start of lift;
- If plan needs to change, STOP and revise plan
- Who is the lift controller?
- Go thru lift plan with team
- Who rig loads and who will un hook load and remove strops? How?
# NO ONE TO WALK UNDER SUSPENDED LOAD (**`` Crane fails videos below)
# Phones not to be answered by those working on lift

_ Has the daily equipment inspection been done?
_ Check certification/ documentation BEFORE start; crane, slings, strops, spreader, man cage, etc
_ Operator's/ crane driver training; WSNZ cranes-acop-2009-P4 (Unit Standards as appropriate)
Unit Std; 3789 – Sling regular loads and communicate during crane operations (desirable for dog man)
Unit Std; 3795 – Configure a mobile crane and lift and place loads
Unit Std; 16617 – Operate a truck loader crane and lift and place loads
** Wind speed ___ kph. Other weather hazards?
** Check radii before starting lift. ** Confirm counterweight. ** Check swing with unloaded crane. ** Check weight when first lifted

===== 3 Other ref:
ApxQ1f01 1609 STANDARDS List, sH
- Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regs 1999
- ACoP For Cranes. Includes The Design, Manufacture, Supply, Safe Operation, Maintenance And Inspection Of Cranes
- AS 4991 Lifting devices
- EEMUA 101 Lifting points - a design guide

===== 4 `` Crane fails (∆ Safari- Apx- 8K2) }
. #failures= chain, footing?, ... strop fail, unexpected load, radius x 4, strop break, radius }
. #failures= over radius, overweight, attachment?, footings, radius, ..., sudden load, ..., load not central, ... radius, another crane,

=====Fonterra Takanini:

ref 8H5 Crane lift ground loading.eml; for "good ground" use 150 kPa. Check with civil eng if higher load desired. 150 kPa≈ 15 t/ m2

AMS Management responsibilities when the crane arrives, p10 Max allowed ground pressure examples
200 t/ m2; Hard rock
80 t/ m2; Shale rock and sandstone
40 t/ m2; Compacted gravel-with up to 20% sand
20 t/ m2; Asphalt, Compacted sand, Stiff clay (dry)
10 t/ m2; Soft clay (dry), Loose sand
< 10 t/ m2; Wet clay

Auckland Cranes, Manukau09 277 2227 12 Langley Rd Auckland
   AUK, NZ

Crane selector:
Mobile app;
=== K Risk, Safety, Services
See s137 - Worker training and licences

See link for
ApxK2.2f01 Safety Implementation aA Toolbox.pdf
ApxK2.8f01 PPE+Safety Equip.pdf
ApxK2.8f02 Safety Audit.pdf

Safety Docs
110K NZ Government Registers
- Asbestos Licence Holder Register
- Approved Gas Appliance Practitioner Register
- Recognised Inspection Bodies (PECPR)
- Tank wagon record
- Records of cylinders, fittings and containers for gases under pressure
- Record of burners
- Record of dispensers and vapourisers
- Stationary container system design and fabricator record
- Register of Compliance Certifiers (HSNO)
110K NZ Worksafe; NOTIFIABLE Work & Events
* Contractor to notify Worksafe, copy to PTW office (to get PTW) and site contact

Health and Safety in Employment Regulations (1995), Regulation 26

Construction work with a risk of falling 5 metres or more (see exclusions below)
- work in connection with a residential building up to and including 2 full storeys
- work on overhead telecommunications lines and overhead electric power lines
- work carried out from ladder only
Erecting or dismantling scaffolding with a risk of falling 5 metres or more
Logging or tree felling undertaken for commercial purposes
Use of a lifting appliance where the appliance has to lift a mass of 500 kilogrammes or more a vertical distance of 5 metres or more (see exclusions below)
- work using an excavator
- work using a forklift, or
- work using a self-propelled mobile crane
Work in any drive, excavation, or heading in which any person is required to work with a ground cover overhead
Work in any excavation in which any face has a vertical height of more than 5 metres and an average slope steeper than a ratio of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical
Work in any pit, shaft, trench, or other excavation in which any person is required to work in a space more than 1.5 metres deep and having a depth greater than the horizontal width at the top
Work involving the use of explosives, or storage of explosives for use at the worksite
Work in which a person breathes compressed air, or a respiratory medium other than air (diving)
Work in which a person breathes compressed air, or a respiratory medium other than air (not diving)

===== s135M5 Asbestos Removal

Notifiable EVENT.
* Notify Worksafe using fastest means available; 0800 030 040
* You will need to freeze the site. Check website for what to do

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) you must notify WorkSafe when certain work-related events occur.
A notifiable event is when any of the following occurs as a result of work:
- a death.
- a notifiable Injury
- a notifiable illness
- a notifiable incident.

Notifiable work;
110K1 Emergency, Risk
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

See 1.03A3>K1 ** Emergency, above, for emergency questions

Apx2 s110K1
110K2 Inductions; site and area
Do people have inductions for the site and area(s) they will be working?

=== ttt
171204+RK Fonterra Takanini
If people are on site to do work they will need an induction, this will include basically everyone including:
- Crane drivers, they are considered to be on site to do work
- Concrete pump operators (boom pump) – this person has been deemed to be involved in the placing of concrete not just delivering it and will be on site for a long period of time.
- Hiab driver, if the hiab is being used for anything other than a single drop off or pick up of equipment

The people that are exempt but must be escorted by an inducted person at all times:
- Delivery driver, providing they come to site deliver their goods in a designated area and leave immediately
- Hiab driver only if the hiab is being used for a single drop off or pick up
- Concrete truck driver (the driver must stay with their truck, if they need to go to the bathroom they must be escorted)
- Visitors not doing work (taking photos, inspections or meeting etc)

Special inductions MAY be possible for
- Last minute change of contractor due to illness etc
- Contractor unable to attend induction and there is no practical alternative
- An emergency job has come up
- Something happens where a contractor will be required at short notice but there is no induction available for a week+

110K2 Project Safety
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Reprint as at 7 August 2020
. Note 4 at the end of this reprint provides a list of the amendments incorporated.

NZ Health & Safety at Work Act
110K2 Safety Alerts
8K2 Diphoterine One Point Lesson.pdf
Emergency rinsing solution for splashes from chemicals. First aid for skin and eyes

110K2 Safety- PPE
As safety is part of the work planning, see M below

ApxK2.2 for Safety Implementation
ApxK2.2f01 Safety Implementation aA Toolbox 220916
ApxK2.8f02 rB Safety Audit

===== Do hard hats have a use-by date?
No, however it’s a good idea to record the date of issue by writing on the inside of the hat with a marker and replacing the hat every two or three years. Please note: that means the date that you are issued the hat, not the date of manufacture.

WKS- Practical Safety Device
110K2 Take 5
When starting a task do a take 5

Do I know what to do?
Do I have the drgs, docs, time needed?
Do I have the tools, materials & people needed?
Access (structural, personal, tools)

Cut or Stabbed
Engulfed by Liquid or gas
Lifting- Strains
Falling- Heights
Something falling onto me
Something being dropped by me
Starting a Fire

Pre Task Hazard ID done
Personal Protective Equipment
Am I in a safe position
Trained and Competent
Electrical Equipment
Hot Work
Work in Heat
Isolation Procedures
Confined Space Procedures
Work Inside Machinery
Lift Truck/Forklift
Work on Roofs
Work at Height
Manual Handling
110K5 Environmental
Discharges from working with concrete;

Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Wellington0800 101 996 Shamrock House
79-83 Molesworth Street
   WGN, NZ
HASANZ. Health & Safety Association NZ+64 4 901 8777
   -, NZ
Site Safe, Auckland+61 9 634 0365 92-94 Beachcroft Avenue Auckland
   AUK, NZ
These guys have good SSSP (Site Specific Safety Plan):
Site safe Passports:

Check website for the nearest office
Worksafe NZ, National Office+64 4 897 7699 3rd Floor, Unisys House
56 The Terrace
   WGN, NZ
111Kc Hazardous Chemical Handling
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
* review

NZLr Hazardous Substances Classes 6 8 and 9 Controls Regulations 2001
9 Quantities of class 6, 8, and 9 substances that must be under personal
control of approved handler or secured
(1) The quantities of class 6, 8, and 9 substances specified in Schedule 1 must be—
(a) under the personal control of an approved handler; or
(b) secured so that a person cannot gain access to the substance unless the person has a key or other device used for operating locks.
(2) However, a class 6, 8 or 9 substance may be handled by a person who is not an approved handler if—
(a) an approved handler is present at the place where the substance is being handled; and
(b) the approved handler has provided guidance to the person in respect of the handling; and
(c) the approved handler is available at all times to provide assistance, if necessary, to the person while the substance is being handled by the person.

ref EPA; Threshold guidelines
This document provides guidance on the quantities of hazardous substances that trigger the following
key HSNO controls:
- Approved handlers
- Location test certificates
- Fire extinguishers
- Signage, and
- Emergency response plans and secondary containment.
Approved handlers
An approved handler is someone who is qualified to handle very hazardous substances. If you have quantities of hazardous substances that exceed the amounts the "Threshold guidelines"

ref ERMA-ApprovedHandlers

Not everyone handling these very hazardous substances needs to be an Approved Handler. Any person may
handle a hazardous substance if an Approved Handler:
• has provided guidance to the person actually handling the substance; and
• is ‘available’ to provide assistance at all times while the substance is being handled.
‘Available’ in some instances means present at the location, in others it may be sufficient for them to be contacted quickly and if not on site be available, for example, via telephone. If an Approved Handler is needed because of the corrosive, toxic or ecotoxic properties of the substance then they must be present at the location.
The Approved Handler need not be present if the substance is not in use and secured so that a person cannot gain access without a key or similar device.
The transportation ...

111Kf Fire Protection
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
Existing fire equipment cannot be modified or made so it cannot be used for original purpose.
Eg access to equipment cannot be blocked, fire hoses can be used for water (but nozzles must not be removed, so they can be used for fire fighting at any time) used extinguishers are to be replaced (or reported to site contact)

111Kn Noise
The hearing conservation program requires employers to monitor noise exposure levels in a way that accurately identifies employees exposed to noise at or above 85 decibels (dB) averaged over 8 working hours, or an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA).
Hearing Conservation - OSHA

Workplace Noise Levels. Class . SLC80 dB Reduction Range
Less than 90 decibels . cl 1 . 10 - 13
90 to less than 95 dB . cl 2 . 14 - 17
95 to less than 100 dB .cl 3* . 18 - 21
100 to less than 105 dB . cl 4 . 22 - 25

Thanks and regards

Darren Snow
Health & Safety Advisor - Takanini

111Ks Steam Blow
=== L Piping info; ∆ Apx8 s90i
Piping design; spans
∆ Apx8 s120L

120LÏ€ Pipe supports
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

=== Constant Spring Support Checklist
ref Piping Technology & Products Inc
Search for signs of visual cracks, fractures, and corrosion of the spring casing and the following:
- beam attachment
- constant hanger attachment
- pipe clamp attachment
- weldless eye nut
- threaded rod
- spring coil
- Check if travel stops are removed
- Check turnbuckle (if present), lock nuts and other threaded items to ensure they are secured and fastened
- Compare the position of the coil with the hot/cold load indicator and operating range of the spring
- Check the mobility of the load column

Install supports- Videos
126.6 - L Gaskets and seals
S ApxLa8S01 1705 Pipe Spec 170525-aL6.6 seal+gaskets
If not putting single use gaskets in for pre commissioning,
# record/ mark where non spec gaskets are installed

=== Fonterra Takanini O rings
- Silicon for cream
- PTFE for chemicals (single use only)
- EPDM for all else

Install supports
126.8 - L installation
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
s171.12 QL Hydrotesting

ANSI B31.3
s335.1 Before bolting, flanges to be aligned 1 in 200, bolt holes within 3 mm
s335.2.3 Bolts to extend completely thru their nuts, except...

Not from other pipes, without Client’s approval

Allow for expansion if EDT>= 55 C

On completion
Walk line, incl checking all bolts tight
Pressure test
Flush or blow
QA package to client

129 - Colours and Labels
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Adding line numbers and labels to pipes, is a good way for production staff to get to know the new plant.

Timing for labelling pipe bridges, etc is best before installation or before scaffolding removed

=== M
∆ review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
^ ApxM8f01 √Shut,Sitework
^ ApxM1f07 Site Equip list.xlsx
^ ApxM8f03 1705 CONSTRUCTION+MAINT Std.doc

For skid or unit supply, team or Supplier to review applicable sections of this list

Supplier to specify
- How the mounting and interface dimensions are correct (ITP)
- How the correct WPS is followed (ITP)

130M Installation/ Shut Plan
^ P ãY4s01 1003+ IDENTIFICATION.doc
1 In shut list (WO, etc)

M1.1 SOW; work plan, Work Method Statement, documents, drawings, etc
. list of equipment supplied, reqd
M51; _
M52; _

M6 Misc

3 Resources;
Isolations; time on- off
Post shut support; contacts, people, materials

4 Verification;
M7 ITP, verification, QA packages

5 Qualifications, permits, licences
M2 Safety; Notices, Risk, MSDS, Hazaop, Hazard ID, JSEA, chemicals site approved.
safety walk around

6 Timeline;
. When work can't be done (water blasting, painting, overhead work, X rays, etc)
M1.3 Progress meetings, reports
M9 Completion handover

7 Personel; days, times (hrs per day)
M1.2 Organisation: Contacts; manager, site supervisor, ITP
M8 Management

9 M4 Budget
M4 Accounts, PO

M1.1 SOW; work plan, Work Method Statement, documents, drawings, etc
. list of equipment supplied, reqd
M1.2 Organisation: Contacts; manager, site supervisor, ITP
M1.3 Progress meetings, reports
M2 Safety; Notices, Risk, MSDS, Hazaop, Hazard ID, JSEA, chemicals site approved.
safety walk around
M4 Budget
M4 Accounts, PO
M51; _
M52; _

M6 Misc
M7 ITP, verification, QA packages
M8 Management
M9 Completion handover

132M - Site Work Permits
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

_ Site induction
_ Area induction

===== Work Permits
Work Plan=> Work Method Statement (with JSA)
_ Permit to Work
_ Notifiable work
_ Excavation, penetrations
_ Hot work
_ Confined space
_ Lift plan
_ Asbestos work

_ Licences; forklift, crane, EWP, scaffold, rigger, CSE
. . _ also LOTO, trades quals

=== JSA subjects (for you and workers)

Access (walkways, platforms, other)- is it safe?
_ advice from Client/ owner
_ Scaffold- check has green tag
_ loading restrictions (people, equipment)
_ access outside handrails/ close to roof edge
_ Adjacent hazards (high/ low temp, chemicals, mechanical, moving machinery, etc
_ check suitability/ safety of access (visual or more)
_ Feedback on issues/ concerns

=== Oji FS Permits
1 Permit to Work (need PTW receiver)
2 Hot work
3 Working at height
4 Rigging plans
5 Confined space . (IVE for hole watch)
6 Combustible gas
7 Lift plans . (Kerry Brown for ground loading)
8 Excavations (penetration) . (Kerry Brown, Craig Andrews)
9 Asbestos Removal
10 Radiography
11 Line break
12 Use of 9" grinders . (Mike Jones)
13 Drones . (Ed Mercer)
14 Natural Gas . (Mike Jones)

=== Fonterra Takanini,
permit receiver needs to be trained

Following may be required
Trade tickets/ licences; forklift, crane, height, EWP, scaffold, confined space, etc . . . copy to be provided 1 week before
s110 K NZ Worksafe; NOTIFIABLE Work & Events

Hot work checklist
Clearsafe, Auckland (NZ)0800 102 922 6 Clayton Street Auckland
   AUK, NZ
135M5 Asbestos removal
∆ s1 Preparation and s170 QA
∆ Apx03 s112K2 NZ Worksafe; NOTIFIABLE Work & Events
∆ Apx03 s114K Government Registers
“∆ Apx03 s135M5 Asbestos removal

=== ∆
... notify WorkSafe New Zealand of upcoming licensed asbestos removal work, as required by the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016 regulation 34.
Notification must be given to WorkSafe at least 5 days before work commences.
If the asbestos requires immediate removal....

=== Work Plan
_ 1 Test for asbestos
_ 2 Management plan for removal and disposal, incl
. Worksafe notification
. All asbestos to be removed safely and in accordance with Worksafe requirements, by Worksafe Asbestos Licence Holder.
_ 3 Certification that asbestos removed, ie area safe
_ 4 Weighbridge docket showing disposal

=== Before payment for the asbestos removal contract line item(s) or CVO, the following are required;
- Certification (by Supplier) that asbestos is removed, ie the area is safe
- Weighbridge docket showing disposal to approved location

A licensing system for the removal of asbestos has been introduced
Duties and responsibilities have changed
Read the latest guidance and information
# Notifications of licenced asbestos removal should now be made five days in advance of work starting
# is it safer to remove or leave (now or later)? Including can you get it all cleanly?

... notify WorkSafe New Zealand of upcoming licensed asbestos removal work, as required by the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016 regulation 34.
Notification must be given to WorkSafe at least 5 days before work commences.
If the asbestos requires immediate removal....

=== Fonterra Takanini
Any new Asbestos to be recorded in Asbestos register (whether or not removed)
Copy 1 to 4 above to project folder and Mel Pana, H&S manager for record keeping

135M5 EWP (Elevated Work Platforms)

===== WKS-4-working-at-height-mobile-elevating-work-platforms
p42 . s6.1; The operator must get training on the type of MEWP...
One means of demonstrating competency is through completing nationally recognized MEWPs NZQA unit standards or an equivalent or higher qualification. ; t2 lists
23960 or 23966 Scissor Lift (SL)
23961 or 23966 Truck Mounted (TM)
23962 or 23966 Self-Propelled Boom Lift (BM)
23963 or 23966 Trailer Mounted (TL)
23964 or 23966 Vertical Lift (VL)
The length between training sessions should not exceed three years.

p46 . s7.3
All practicable steps include having a hazard management process and plan in place and managing hazards effectively

p32 . s5.3 Inspections
The operator must give the MEWP a visual inspection and functional test before using it. The checks should include the items listed in the operator’s manual, the logbook and in t1=

Check six-monthly certificate current
Platform and base controls
Emergency controls and retrieval system
Visual and audible alarms
Personal protective equipment, including anchor points
Air, hydraulic and fuel system leaks
Cables and wiring harness for security and damage
Loose and missing parts
Tyres, wheels
Placards, labels, warnings, control markings and operating manuals are on the MEWP
Outriggers, stabilisers
Guardrail system including gates with self-closing action
Control descent devices where fitted
Slew brake system
Safety switches and interlocks
Structural defects or damage
Drive and speed functions work correctly, including speed-limiting devices

=== Fonterra Takanini
^ PM180315+Fonterra Elevated Work Platforms (EWP) Standards

Example checklist
135M5 Working at heights
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

p8 s3 Scope & application (not 3 m)
p9 “ Short duration height work
“ s4 planning a safe approach
p11 “ rescue
“ “ risk
p12 s5 eliminate potential of fall
p13 s6.1 Scaffolding
p15 s6.2 Edge Protection : **^ AS/NZS 4994.2:2009 Temporary edge protection …, incl excavations
p17 s6.3 Mech access plant
› mobile elevating work platforms, › forklift platforms, › crane lift platforms, › vehicle extension arms, › knuckle boom.
p19 s6.4 Safety mesh
p20 s6.5 Harness systems
p23 “ Minimising fall
p24 “ Rescue planning
p26 s6.6 Temporary work platforms (TWPs); < 5m
p28 s6.7 Catch platforms
p29 s6.8 Soft landing systems (SLSs)
“ s6.9 Safety nets
“ s6.10 Fixed roof ladders and crawl boards
“ s6.11 Ladders, stepladders, and means of access
# Issues for ladder or stepladder use
… Over-reach—keep the line of the belt buckle (navel) inside the stiles with both feet on the same rung throughout the task….
* Checking ladders before use
p34 s7. Other hazards…
p38 s8. Duty holder responsibilities
p41 s8.2 Definitions
p43 “ Fall hazard area: Any areas that have been identified during the hazard identification process and secured to avoid harm. This normally refers to anywhere within two metres of the exposed or unprotected edge of the roof.
p44 “ free fall
p47 “ Work at height: Working at a place, above or below ground level, where a person could be injured if they fell from that place
p48 s8.3+4+5 Emergencies - Preparation, Rescue Plan, Checklist
p52 s8.6 Notification of particular hazardous work
p52 s8.7 Notifiable work as defined by the Regulations

=== p57 Standards
AS/NZS 1891.1 Industrial Fall arrest systems and devices. Part 1: Harnesses and Ancillary Equipment
AS 1892.1 Portable ladders, metal

=== Course notes
9K2cn ITW Safe working at heights traing resource.pdf
9K2cn ITW Safe Working at Heights.pdf

===Safety lines
Consider; vM Safety Link attachment

Not allowed within 2.5 m of edge

===== OiK
Please ensure we have protective matting to fully cover the walkway area between two Precips we can Tie it via cable Ties, need to also ensure gap between walkway grating and Precip is covered via ply and temp screwed to cladding creating full seal of these levels.
please ensure we have some large plastic tubs 6off for storage on small items outside entry doors and smaller steel buckets 6 off for inside, Also that the guys have no drop lanyards for hand tools they use.

===== Platform ladders
1 possible supplier, with optional full surround

^ WKS-4-working-at-height-in-NZ.pdf
135Mc Construction notices
See folder 8M construction notices and put on notice board for workers

135Mf Bolting
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

===== Reference
Torque philosophy . ^ 8Mf Bayou=Torque.pdf . . ^ 8Mf Bolts flange + torque.pdf
Bolted joint basics:
Double Locknuts (thin nut on first):
Spring washers (no);
Tapered/ bevel washers (especially with fatigue loads);
Example for bolt torques, see ^ Oji FS KS-EM-0008 Bolt and Nut Identifications

===== Installation
Bolt torques; what is the plan (during installation) for ensuring ALL bolts are tight?
Who by, what skills are needed, what tools (torque wrench, stud heaters, rattle gun, hydratorque, etc)
## Note all accessible bolts will be checked they are tight (as history shows many are not)
===== ANSI B31.3 335.2.3
Bolts should extend completely through their nuts. Any which fail to do so are considered acceptably engaged if the lack of complete engagement is not more than one thread. Note; there are exceptions to this tolerance (eg high pressure piping)

ie should have 1 full thread exposed past nut/ lock nut (3 full threads is desirable)

=== Steel flanges in wet environments
^ 8Mf ACA Bolting faces wet.PDF

=== Bolted beam joints- Suppliers
. Beam clamp
. BoxBolt
EDL- Würth NZ
Rivewt Nut

===== Concrete attachments
To make installation easier, hold down bolts :
- to have nuts above and below base plate
- to be 50+ mm over length, to allow for construction errors.
- drawing to state if packers required, ie bolts in tension (rather than nuts under base plate)

=== Thanks to Archytas of Tarentum (

135Mw Welding
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
see Legend link below
VC= Visual examination, by Competent person. "Competency" as specified
VT= Visual examination by CBIP Welding/ Painting Inspector, as appropriate.
MT= Magnetic Particle Testing
PT= Dye Penetrant Testing
RT= Radiographic Examination, gamma or X ray
UT= Ultrasonic testing

Who by, what skills are needed?
QA package; WPS, PQR, WQR, weld map, material certs (ApxQ4f02 Handover package), inspection (VC or VT 100%, plus other)

• Here are some UT probes that will do up to 350 °C (intermittent)

===== Golden welds (ie hydrotest not possible)
Check with inspector if root setup (or other) needs to be witnessed
UT wall . the stab in area before cutting the hole

1= Where possible;
VT 100%
RT 100%

2= Alternative
VT 100%
MT or PT 100% surface of completed weld
MT or PT 100% root run from inside the pipe (PT if SS)
UT 100% the weld from inside pipe

===== Tacking construction/ support brackets to shell
Preheat before welding > weld > PWHT
Grind clean, then MT 100% where the brackets were tacked, to shell

===== ANSIB31.3 328.5.3 Seal Welds
... Seal welds shall cover all exposed threads.
335.3.2... provided all compound is removed from exposed threads.

Fibreglass; vL Armatec ATFRPDrainageHandBookv4Ac.pdf p16

PVC pipe welding; S Apx...

Bolt Science+44 1257 411503 Bolt Science Limited
Victoria House
16 Rotherwick Avenue
   NW, UK
137 - Worker training and licences
=== Safety related trainers . . They do online courses

- Forklift drivers.- EWP (Elevated Work Platform)
- Scaffold; Worksafe require notification if > 5m
- Confined space
- Working at heights
- Hot work/ fire watch; fire extinguishers

===== Trades
Welding; WPS, PQR, WQR
Electrical ticket

Cranes; see 80 H Cranes lifts (above)

===== First aid training is not required, but is good to have training for work and home

=== Fonterra Takanini
note; contractors are NOT allowed to drive Fonterra forklifts

Safety ‘n Action, Highbrook0800 222 388 14 Ross Reid Place Auckland
   AUK, NZ
Training for Fonterra, incl
Permit to work Receiver
SARNZ Office04 589 8081 Level 2, Bloomfield House
46 Bloomfield Terrace
Lower Hutt
   WGN, NZ
Scaffolding tickets
138 - M Scaffold
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
^ ApxM8f07 r201005 scaffold.docx
^ WorkSafe; WKS-3 Scaffolding in New Zealand Nov 2016

p22__4.1 Competency requirements based on height of scaffold
p23__4.2 Certificates of competence
p23__4.3 Certificate of competence structure
p23__4.4 Responsibilities when working with trainees
p24__4.5 Expected competencies of everyone involved in the scaffolding proces

- Up to 5 m ... Competent person: someone who has the knowledge and skills to carry out a particular task. Skills and knowledge may be acquired through training, qualification, or experience, or a combination of these. NZQA registered unit standards may assist in fulfilling the qualification requirement.
- 5 m and above ... Holder of appropriate class of certificate of competence
- Design (or verification of the design) of some types of scaffolding should be undertaken or verified by a chartered professional engineer (CPEng). See Section 7.3 for more information.
9184 Erect and dismantle non-notifiable prefabricated frame scaffolding up to five metres in height
13016 Demonstrate knowledge of the erection and dismantling of scaffolding up to five metres in height
13053 Erect and dismantle scaffolding up to five metres in height

Anyone who carries out scaffolding work including erection, alteration, repair or dismantling of a scaffold of which any part is 5 m or more above the ground, must hold the appropriate class of certificate of competence (COC) for that type of scaffold (see Section 4). The height is how far a person can fall.
COCs are issued by SARNZ (Scaffolding, Access and Rigging Association of New Zealand) under the delegated authority of WorkSafe and are valid for four years.
Contact SARNZ or see their website for more information:

Direct supervision means within reach, or within visual contact.

p26__5.1 Safe system of work
p26__5.2 Site assessment before work begins
p27__5.3 Utilities and other services
p27__5.4 Arrival of materials on site
p28__5.5 Securing the work area
p29__5.6 Managing traffic
p29__5.7 Mobile plant and machinery
p30__5.8 Confined spaces
P31__5.9 Hazardous substances
p31__5.10 Emergency planning
*p31__5.11 PPE
Hard hats. Safety footwear appropriate to the task. Hi-viz. Harnesses. Hearing protection. Eye Protection. Gloves. Respiratory protection. Life jackets/personal flotation device
p32__5.12 Communication
p32__5.13 Fitness for work
p33__5.14 Other planning considerations

s5.11 PPE
Hard hats ...
> wear at all times
> appropriate for both working at heights and use in construction
> include a chin strap
> wear correctly, (check to see if approved to be worn with other headwear)
Are hard hats current?

> wear at all times (except for minor scaffolds). Section 6.2 provides advice on harness use.
Are harnesses current/ inspected/ tagged?
# 8K2ppe -Jacobs Loose fitting harness.pdf

p35__6.1 Common risks
p36__6.2 Types of fall protection systems
p36__6.3 Using fall arrest systems
p38__6.4 Anchor points
p39__6.5 Inspection and maintenance of fall arrest equipment
p40__6.6 Working near or over water
p40__6.7 Rescuing a person from a fall
# p127 app A; where any employee may fall more than 3 metres ...

Rescue procedures must be detailed in an emergency plan before any scaffolding work takes place.

Personal fall protection systems allow a worker to be protected while a task is undertaken while working at height
- Fall restraint prevents the worker from getting too close to somewhere they could fall from.
- Work positioning systems enable a worker to be stable while working hands free.
- Fall arrest systems catch a worker if they fall.
• These systems require a high level of competency and supervision. Workers must be trained in the use of fall arrest systems and safety harnesses. Ongoing competency should be assessed and demonstrated.
When working in fall arrest the worker must maintain 100% hook at all times.

Where there is a risk of a fall, scaffolders should hook onto the first available anchor point when they are:
> working on a platform without a guardrail
> climbing up and down the scaffold structure
> working on unplanked scaffolding
> hemping
> working over a void
> working on a hanging scaffold
> working on a cantilever scaffold.

* p75__8.16 Tagging the scaffold

Require COC if ≥ 3 m

# any one on handrail or outside handrail without harness hooked on will be grounded)
How will partially built scaffold be used/ tagged

138 - M Tools
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
**^Review ApxM1f07 1604 Site Equip list

===Fonterra Takanini
C; For every excavation complete; 3M Toolbox Templates - UNDERGROUND r1

M; 9" grinders are ok if they have a clutch or soft start.
(They may be used for grinding concrete floors before coating, as can't jamb)

Mw; Only PPS pickling paste to be used on site

138 - W Electrical Equip
AS/NZS 3012:2010 Electrical installations— Construction and demolition sites
p9 s1.1 ... applies to electrical installations associated with construction and demolition sites which INCLUDE—
b ... work necessitates the provision of a temporary electrical installation;
c work on or in connection with the construction or maintenance of ... civil engineering works or bridges, or ...;
e the laying, lining or maintenance of pipes or cables;!!!
h site offices, cloakrooms, meeting rooms, dormitories, canteens, toilets, appliances and other facilities provided during any work referred to in (a) to (g); and

=== p40 t7; Verification Intervals
6 mo Transportable structures (Aust only)
6 mo Transportable equip, constr wiring incl switchboards
3 mo Portable equip

= RCD Push button test; by user
every day Portable RCD
1 mo non portable fixed (c3.5)

= RCD Push button test; by tester
3 mo Portable (to be tagged)
12 mo non portable fixed (c3.5)

=== 140N Maintenance
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Documentation; manuals, drawings, specs, recommended spares list (priced), suppliers list
Tools; standard & special
Spare parts list

140N Isolations- Lockout
=== Isolations to protect; people, equipment, environment
Out of Service- regular checking

Confirming- testing that safe
Controller- permit issue control
Consequences of not following

== I/E items
Master lock fuse lockout

== PM items
Spades/ spec blinds
Temporay blinds
Pneumatic (to controls)

Manual valves
Actuated valves (line contents, also valve actuation)

== General items
Control (eg spotters)
Site/ area notices

=== Aids
Tags (Do not operate, Out of Service, Defective, Locked Out, etc)

Rotating gate valve lockout
Lock out cable device

Rotating electrical plug lockout

Lock box
Company supplied vs personal supplied (name of person)

=== PPE

NZ Safety; search lockout
150 o Corrosion/ Material Prop/ Coatings (proj wide)
* Typically file info/ docs with the equipment under equipment category, eg M, N, O, R & X (except general)

153o Heat Treatment
The process will need to be:
Electric heating matts with blankets and chart recorder (to give a record of the heat treatment)
I expect that you will need a specialist heat treatment company such as
Heattech Bureau Veritas Cooperheat-Stork (if they are still doing it)

As discussed, the PWHT procedure we have used at Tasman for non-pressure vessel work is as follows:
- Heat at a maximum rate of 200 °C per hour to 600 °C
- Hold at 600 (+or- 20) °C for one hour for each 25mm of section thickness, (minimum hold time 1 hour)
- Cool at a maximum rate of 150 °C per hour to 300 °C
- Unrestricted cooling from 300 °C to ambient temperature

===== Kinleith CD2, weld in LT nozzle, J22103
see 200616-& PWHT Transformer Power Supply- NDT and preheat.eml

153o SS Fabrication
**^ Blue Book_ Code of Practice for the Fab of SS Plant & Equip2.pdf

s11; Where accessible, all welds and heat affected zones shall be free of all slag, flux residues and heat tints, and followed by passivation. Passivation chemicals shall not be left in contact with manufacturer, and all residues shall be completely removed using fresh, clean water and a neutralizer. All residues should be of a pH and composition acceptable to local environmental protection standards prior to disposal.

159o Chemical Bund lining etc
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Fonterra Takanini see; 170822+Sika FBNZ Takanini - chem bund floor coating.pdf, for
- concrete drying,
- fixing thru SikaCor VEL laminate (Sika AnchorFix 3001)

159o Galvanising
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

**^ So CSP Galvanising (for design & detail fabrication of equipment so it can be galvanised)
**^ 8o AN-35.3-STEEL-COMPOSITION.pdf for steel suitable/ not suitable for galvanising.
* Material certs required (prior to fabrication) to check that steel will be suitable.

If using Zinc it to repair galvanising, then the application to ensure that Zinc is applied, not just the grey colour. Spray cans are to be well shaken, and paint cans to be well stirred.
4 coats of spray are to be applied, to ensure adequate covered (as per galvanising standard). The thickness to be measured if in doubt.

159o Painting
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
Apx2 s150o
*Apx3 s150o
AS 2700 colours; .
BS colours: .
BS4800 : 2011 Colour Chart; .

=== Spec to include:
1 Intro and location

2 Scope;
Item; equipment, walkways, guards, piping, structure, etc
Equipment; removed/ in place

3.1 Work includes
_ Preparation; _ waterblast, _ degrease, _ sandblast, _ scabble,
_ masking; name plates MUST be marked, electrical equipment (to suit preparation method)
_ protect machinery from debris
_ clean up debris before painting,
_ inspect that surface ready for painting
_ paint (see client std)
_ removing masking, clean up debris before leaving site, etc
_ advise client if anything stopping plant from operation

3.2 Colours;

4 QC; Supplier to specify;
_ how the item is cleaned ready for painting,
_ how/ who checks that it is suitable,
_ how they ensure the paint thickness is correct.
_ how painted surfaces are protected from shop to site/ during installation
_ what reports are supplied

* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

5 Known hazards are:
_ preparation hazards (eg blasting, noise, etc)
_ paint type
_ site hazards; xxx

8 Info required on:
- conditions during application (wet/ dry, RH, temp, surroundings- overspray effect)
. . recoats, touch dry, cure time (at ? temp), fumes, vapour, fire, etc
- service conditions (wet, dry, RH, temp, physical damage, conditions for touch ups, duty, etc)
- site repair
- touch up (when new, old)
- colour
- SDS need site approval (paint, cleaners, thinners, etc)

===== Application
_ application reports (spec, temp, RH, times, paint, DFT)

- approved handlers?
- paint/ chemical storage, flashpoint
- clean up, environmental, food safety

===== Water blasting info
For water blasting checklist:

Blasting standards
Perry Metal Protection, Auckland0800 508 506 41 Timothy Pl Auckland
   AUK, NZ

170 QA ITP General
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP: SOW, (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?
Welding inspection ^ ApxM8f03 1705 CONSTRUCTION+MAINT Std.doc a7

The ITP shall ensure that the works comply with SOW, ie Drawings, Technical Specifications (incl performance requirements and guarantees, codes and laws), specified standards and do not void sub contractor's guarantees. ITP to be maintained and checked on shop/ site visits. DNC and rectification to be recorded and inspected.

An ITP (Inspection and Test Plan) is required, with report & HOLD points. The ITP to consider;
- documentation reqd before (drawings, specs, manuals, procedure) and after (check lists, reports).
* review current drawing list. Are workers using current drawings/ documents? How are they updated?
- As built drawings (check during visits)
- Design and verification
- Supply (selection, delivery time, delivery safety, spares, stores checking, etc)
- Goods reception,
- Fabrication/ Construction
- FAT (Factory Acceptance Test Procedure),
- Shipment & install
- SAT (Site Acceptance Test Procedure)
- how results are collected/ recorded/ confirmed as corrected
- NDT?
- DNC. How are these rectified/ re checked?
incl hold points, Typically 1 week notice reqd)

* review Supplier ITP (incl requirements from PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 or equivalents). Suppliers often have the most fabrication experience, but not necessarily equipment history.
* review ApxX2.1f03 Purchasing NOTES.docx s3Q
Workpack sign off; see ApxQ1f01 STANDARDS List app Q. Designer and manufacturer
IpenzQ Producer_Statement_Guidance_Sheet.pdf

== Mf Equip that has BOLTING
The ITP/ handover package to include a document (drg, photo, etc) with the name of the person who checked the bolts pictured were tight and the date. If the torque is specified, then required torque(s) to be attached.
If there is any later work, then that a similar document is required for that work

== N Spares
ITP FOR Spares and consumables?

== o Painting and coatings

170 QA Laws, Public Stds, Company Stds, etc
**^ ApxQ1f01 1609 STANDARDS List
See above s110 K NZ Government Registers

- NZ Law;
- EPA;
- Worksafe; was Dept of Labour, OSH
- NZ Building Code;

- Standards NZ;

GES & FES: available at
or Milky Way

Auckland Council09 301 0101 Auckland
   AUK, NZ
170.01 QC === Inspection General; FAT & SAT
Inspections to include
=== Interface, as per spec
1 Client, PO number, purchase spec
. List of documents required for construction
H Suitable for shipping and installation, packaging/ crates suitable for shipping
i Instrumnet nozzles; test fit instruments
J Controls;
L Nozzles; size, length, location, flange type and rating, screw connection size, M/ F
S Mounting; base, foot print, hold down, bolting dimensions and locations.
Q Supplier ITP, test procedures
Q QA packages

=== Performance
Q Tests, shop, site, commissioning

* Review T&C reports

Turner & Coates Limited+44 845 890 9870 Greater Manchester
   NW, UK
171.02 QC B Building ITP
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

Inspect existing buildings (and site)
inspect temporary works
inspect existing equip

=== Building Consent
Review Building consent inspection list

=== Disciplines
PS4 Steelwork Construction Review Engineers observation
Fire Protection; active and passive, Fire Alarms (see below)
Energy Works Certificate - Electrical BC clause G9 (Electricity)/ CoC
Plumbing and drainage
Client specific QC

PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4. See ApxX2.1f03 Purchasing NOTES.docx s3Q
What inspections are required for PS3 and PS4?
Inspections required in Building Consent
CCC (Code Compliance Certificate), who is responsible?

=== Fire
Fire Alarm System Certification; NZS 4512
Fire Sprinkler System Certification; NZS 4541 or NZS 4515
CoC (PS3) for exit signage and emergency lighting.
PS3 Fire Protection- Intumescent Coatings to Structural Steel
Fire Rated Linings (walls, ceilings, floors)

===Food Premises
AQ (Assure Quality) requirements: Review, Inspection, Inspection Report with CAR, CAR completed
Plant change form received

171.03 QC C Civils, Layouts ITP
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

Inspect existing
inspect temporary works
inspect existing equip
Factory (materials, test and spec)

Inspect site
Law compliance (building consents, electrical)
Test reports
Layout- correct setout

As per SPEC & standards
Concrete Certs
PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4. See ApxX2.1f03 Purchasing NOTES.docx s3Q

171.06 QC E Refrigeration equipment
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

- Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992.
- Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regs 1999
- Pressure equipment (excluding boilers) - Approved Code of Practice (ACOP)
. . S5.4.2 (5) Design in accordance with AS/ NZS 1677
. . s6.4.2 Design; Refrigeration piping systems
. . sch B, cl B Press Equipment not requiring appointment of a competent person (< 30 kW)
- AS/NZS 1677 Series Refrigerating systems
- ASME B31.3 Process Piping
- ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components

171.09 QC i Instrumentation ITP
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

Isolation testing (before making/ breaking connections)
Calibration cert
CoC (Cert of Compliance)

171.11 QC Kc Chemical- HSNO
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

**/ see s114 K Government Registers;
[1] marked require => Register of Compliance Certifiers (HSNO)
[2] marked require => Recognised Inspection Bodies
PS3 acceptable alternatives are; Manufacturer's Data Sheet or similar. Doc to incl GA/ drawing list and construction code.

=== Atmospheric Tanks
_ [1] Tank Design Compliance Certificate, incl NZS 1170 (seismic & wind). (Incl hold down details for installation review)
_ Tank venting calculations
_ [1] Tank Construction Compliance Certificate
_ [1] Compliance Certificate for installation
_ Tank QA package, see s171.20 QT Tank ITP
Tank leak testing FAT (Factory) or SAT (Site). Is test liquid compatible with contents? If not leak tested; integrity test results.

=== Bunds
_ PS1 for structural design
_ PS3 for construction
_ Secondary Containment Systems; EPA HSNOCOP 47, s7.1 Compound testing

=== Piping
B 31.3, B31.4, ?
Is piping under PECPR or HSNO? Above 50 kPa, design and verification under PECPR Regs
_ [2] Haz Level A, B, C, D=> Outside design verification
_ Haz Level E=> PS1 from competent person

_ [2] Haz Level A, B, C=> PS3 and Outside construction verification
_ Haz Level D, E=> PS3, from Fabricator for fabrication and installation.
_ Piping QA package see s171.12 QL -Piping ITP and 171.12 QL Fibreglass, other Piping ITP (and tanks)
_ Hydrotest cert (see 171.12 QL -Piping ITP)

=== Whole installation
_ PIDs
_ Capacity and spill containment sizing
[1] Review of above
[1] Review for construction standard, including process; isolation valves, labelling, etc
_ Signage and labelling on tanks, pipework, etc.
_ Maintain dossier of above for future reference
_ [1] Construction Compliance Certificate

===== From ApxQ1f01 1609 STANDARDS List:
- Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act (1996)
The purpose of this Act is to protect the environment, and the health and safety of people and communities, by preventing or managing the adverse effects of hazardous substances and new organisms.
- Hazardous Substances (Dangerous Goods And Scheduled Toxic Substances) Transfer Notice 2004 (As Amended)*

171.12 QC L -Piping ITP
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

* .review s171.12 QL -Piping ITP
* review s171.12 QL Fibreglass, other Piping ITP (and tanks)
* review s171.19 QS ITP Structural Steel
* review s171.20 QT Tank ITP
* review s120 Piping

- Hazard level; ApxA4f42 Hazard Level.xlsx (AS 4343)
- Design verification (before construction, what if changes required, cost and time?)
- Construction verification (* Manufacturers datasheet (=PS3), * Outside verification (=PS4)
- Pressure test
- Process ready (flushing etc)

===== QA Package- piping (and equipment) . ^ApxQ4f03 Site
== 1 Introduction
_ ITP (QA control sheets) (incl bolts tight)
_ QA Package acceptance
_ Manufacturers datasheet (=PS3)
_ Outside verification if reqd (=PS4)
_ Non-conformance and rework reports

== 2 . Design Verification Packages (incl drawings)
_ Redline marked up drawings, if different to Approved drawings
_ Dimension check reports

== 3 Common Documents (site)
_ 1-5 SS mat'l certs,
_ 6-10 CS mat'l certs

_ 11 Welding (WPS, PQR, WQR)
_ 12 Weld Maps
_ 13 Heat treatment reports/ charts (with rates and durations)
_ 14 NDT reports (Mag Particle, Dye Penetrant, X Ray, etc)
_ . . Non-conformance and rework reports
_ 15 Coatings
_ 16 Insulation

== 4 Piping QA Packages (site)
_ Hydrotest
_ PI Calibration (*HP gauge?)
_ Flushing

== 5 Other
Equipment QA Packages
F Filter membranes in place after hydrotest and flushing
F Strainer baskets
i Instrumentation installed (and calibrated)
i Orifice plates installed correctly
P Pumps clear and bumped
V Valves stroked

Preferred format
171.12 QC L -Hydrotesting
* review s171.12 QL -Piping ITP
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

* hydrotest at St x 1.5 EDP/ Sd (ref ASME B31.3 c4.2 and tA-1). EDP= MAWP.
St = Allow stress at test temp. Sd = Allowable stress at EDT. max St / Sd = 6.5

=== ^ S Stos Eng Spec 5.2 s8 Pressure Testing MU
s8.1a Check all coded welding complete
s8.1c Arrange inspector and Client
s8.1d Have drgs, PI cert, P Test cert for signing
s8.1f Safety
s8.2.1i Supply all press test equip
s8.2.1iii Test medium; if low chloride water specified (verify chloride content)
#s8.2.7 do not exceed pressure limits
s8.2.10.1 Remove equip that can't be tested discuss with Client).
- Typically this will include: safety valves control valves flexibles, instrumentation,
- Ensure spring supports etc stopped to prevent overloading, ensure piping/ supports free to move
s8.2.10.1ii to be exposed (not painted, insulated, etc)
s8.2.10.1iii Welding after hydro (incl repairs)?
s8.2.10.2viii Grind and MPI tack welds
s8.2.10.2ix PWHT
s8.2.9v Flush vol ≥ 5 x pipe vol. # Do not flush dirty water through equipment
#s8.2.10.10 vi Remove all air
s8.3.3 Soap test drains at 2 barg
s8.3.5 Vacuum lines: 2 barg
s8.5.2 test time
s8.5.4 press tolerance
s8.6.3 test gauge
s8.7 Safety; rope off are, depending on confidence
s8.7.2 Procedure
s8.11 Leak test prior to operation

s8.4.3: Do not hydrotest if water T < 7 C, if ambient < 0 C, if necessary to test use anti freeze
s8.5.4: Prior to test, have water in pipe for 1 hr for temp to equalise
s8.5.2: Test for min 1 hr, with time to inspect all joints
s8.5.2: If underground hold 24 hrs (also if not possible to inspect all joints)
s8.5.3+4: Tolerance

2 do
Valves to be suitable for testing thru OR against
8.2.10iv Paste not thread tape

Hydro testing Scope of Work
Ensure all coded welding complete

===== Table for Iso (or cert); ^ S Stos Eng Spec 5.2 s8 Pressure Testing MU
_ All press weld/ work complete, incl repairs (s8.1, s8.2.10)
_ Non hydro equipment removed (s8.2.1)
_ Iso or PID showing extent (s8.3)
_ Fluid/ pipe temp equalised (s8.5.4)
_ All valves correct (s8.2.10)
Gauge cert (s8.6.3; ± 1%) _________
Test duration; (s8.5.2)_________
HTP= _________
Start time/ press; _________
End time/ press; _________
Flush; 5 times pipe vol (s8.2.11)

171.12 QC L Fibreglass, other Piping ITP (and tanks)
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

* .review s171.12 QL -Piping ITP
* review s171.12 QL Fibreglass, other Piping ITP (and tanks)
* review s171.19 QS ITP Structural Steel
* review s171.20 QT Tank ITP
* review s120 Piping

1 ITP (QA control sheets) (incl bolts tight)
. Drawing
2 Photos of labels on pipe (showing material used)
3 Jointing procedure . . (eg vL6 Armatec ATFRPDrainageHandBookv4Ac.pdf p16)
. . Name of person(s) doing joints (and copy of training record) . . . (similar to WPS ond WQR on steel piping)
4 As built drawings

Preferred format
DOL Verification Authorities0800 20 90 20 Wellington
   WGN, NZ
For pressure equipment (piping and vessels), cranes and passenger ropeways
Recognised Inspection Bodies:
was ===
now ===
171.15 QC o Coating adhesion
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

Concrete adhesion;

171.16 QC Kf Natural Gas Piping
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

See S ApxQ2f01 ITP appKl natural gas

- Gas (Safety and Measurement) Regulations 2010
s5A 2 High risk gas fitting
s43 Certified design
s44 Installations
s45 Testing
s46+7+8+9 Cert of Compliance
s52A Reconnecting
s52B Gas safety certification
s52E Timing

A5 Hazardous area
M Installation; AS/ NZS 5601.1, Piping, testing

171.19 QC S Structural
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

===== Design
PS1 is required for all structures that are supporting more than 200 kg and/ or more than 3 m high
If in doubt discuss with Proj Mgr

171.19 QC S ITP Concrete
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

see s195.6 S Concrete below

Prepour prep (with sign off). Is third party check reqd?
- Set out/ dimension checks, construction tolerances
- Fill grade compaction/ ground preparation
- Reinforcing steel placing, cover, joints
- Formwork quality; strength, and leak tight
- Cast in items
- Concrete quality
- Concrete finishes
- all prepour work complete

Prepour plan with;
- grade(s) reqd (location of concrete pump, concrete truck, clean up area)
- Spare vibrator, other equipment

- Concrete grade (certificates with truck), with any additives (incl water)
- Post pour treatment
- Concrete cutting requirement
- Cure time
- Contingency plans (eg weather)

171.19 QC S ITP Structural Steel
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

* .review s171.12 QL -Piping ITP
* review s171.12 QL Fibreglass, other Piping ITP (and tanks)
* review s171.19 QS ITP Structural Steel
* review s171.20 QT Tank ITP
* review s195 Structural Steel

- PS3, * Outside verification (= PS4))
- foundation suitable?.
- Site QC?

_ WPS, PQR, WQR, - equivalent for non metals (min 100% visual)
_ material certs
_ material reception, checking, storage, protection.
_ finish, coatings
_ dimensions, straightness, completeness (vs SoW)
_ bolts tight (sheet, drawing, photo,; signed with date)
_ Lifting, transport to site? Protection during transport? Transport route checked?

_ Paint; surface prep, thickness, temp, RH/ dewpoint

171.20 QC T Tank ITP
* review s1 Preparation
* .review s170.01 Q ITP General (incl dimensions, straightness, materials, finish)
* review Supplier ITP. (incl PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 equivalents), Hold points, NDT,
- How are records collected? How do you ensure DNCs are rectified/ checked?

* .review s171.12 QL -Piping ITP
* review s171.12 QL Fibreglass, other Piping ITP (and tanks)
* review s171.19 QS ITP Structural Steel
* review s171.20 QT Tank ITP
* review s200 Tanks

- Hazard level; ApxA4f42 Hazard Level.xlsx (AS 4343)
- Design verification (before construction, what if changes required, cost and time?)
- Construction verification (* Manufacturers datasheet (= PS3), * Outside verification (= PS4))
- Pressure/ leak test (HTP base >= ODP)
- Process ready (flushing etc)
- foundation suitable?.
- Site QA?

- WPS, PQR, WQR, - equivalent for non metals
- material reception, checking, storage, protection.
- fittings; size, location, type (face), protection during fabrication to installation
- finish, coatings, insulation
- bolts tight (sheet, drawing, photo,; signed with date)
- FAT, incl pressure or leak test (before coating or cladding).
- Consider; bottom (not visible in service), sides, top (typically doesn't get wet)
- Lifting, transport to site? Protection during transport? Transport route checked?
== review ApxQ4f03 Site QA Package (for piping, s171.12 QL)

===== HSNO Tanks
**/ s114 K Government Registers for Compliance Certifiers

===== Pressure/ Leak Test
- test fluid (water unless specified otherwise). #completely dry or check compatibility with tank contents
- to check that vessel does not leak, ie all gaskets to be water tight at start
- to test that the vessel can withstand the hoop stress (at btm) (stand pipes may be required if contents are heavier than test fluid).
- hold 24 hrs (measure/ allow for thermal expansion, so water does not flow onto tank outside

# if contents not compatible with water (eg H2SO4), what is alternative/ plan?

# seismic, wind, piping loads, etc are not tested, unless specified in spec.

171.22 QC V Valves
**/ review s1 Preparation
**/ review s170.01 Q ITP General
**^ Review SUPPLIERS ITP and check progress/ records/ rectification

ApxX2.1f03 Purchasing NOTES--appV.pdf
ApxX2.1xxx rA RfQ+PO checklist.xlsx

BFP; checked by IQP. Cert to xxx for filing and future checks
PSV; Calibrated. SP= xxx. Cert to xxx for filing and future checks

171.23 QC W Electrical
**/ review s1 Preparation
**/ review s170.01 Q ITP General
**^ Review SUPPLIERS ITP and check progress/ records/ rectification

=== COC, copy to:
project file(manuals section)
APerson for Site file (sorted by year > area)

175 QC r Commissioning
**/ review s1 Preparation
**/ review s170.01 Q ITP General
**^ Review SUPPLIERS ITP and check progress/ records/ rectification

S ApxQ2f01 ITP
ApxQ2f01 vITP List

**^ S ApxQ2f01 ITP
Line flush; if possible velocity to be above max operating velocity (min > 1.5 m/s)
Volume; to be 5 x line volume
Tests for cleanliness to be specified separately

Fonterra Takanini= Turbulent flow, around 5 min.

179 QC r SAT (Site Acceptance Test)++
Resource Consents, Building Consents, other consents
Contract/ Spec/ PO
Client Standards
∆ Apx 2a s171 Q FAT=
^ ApxQ1f01 1609 STANDARDS List
^ ApxQ2f01 vITP List
Suppliers ITP
Keep Punchlist from beginning

QA package TEMPLATE **/ s171.12 QL -Piping ITP (ApxQ4f03 Site QA Package)
* review PIDs

++ To reduce issues, it is good practice to copy early documents to the Client, for review of proposed documentation packages

Apx 2a s171 Q FAT
180 - Rc Chemicals
MSDS reqd for all chemical brought onto site (incl in truck, but not used)
Chemical to be approved

===FBNZ Takanini= form A7
Chemical/ SDS approval; 10 Standards and Knowledge\50 Planning, Design & Installations\SDS approvals

195.3 S5.3 Structural Steel
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
* review s1.1 Safe work planning & Notifiable work, Incidents
* review s85H lifting

Can site work be reduced?
Are there lifting lugs for placing items?
How are you attaching: formwork, reinforcing, fire protection, temporary & permanent equipment, etc
How confident are you in site check and measurements??
How much clearance is there for moving into place and installation?
How will site adjustments be made (packers, etc)?
How will paintwork be protected (to minimise damage/ repair)?
Are the shapes, sizes suitable for safe loading and unloading on trucks?
Can site welding, cutting, hot work be reduced?

All Services and Works shall comply with:
- NZ Acts and Regulations, including Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
- Worksafe NZ approved Codes of Practice
- Local Body Regulations
- CLient standards
- the following public standards or approved equivalent

All Services and Works (design, materials, manufacture, construction, finishing, inspection and testing of equipment and works) shall comply with the following Acts, Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice and Standards (and others as applicable) or equivalent. Supplier to
list standards that they will not comply with and
indicate standards that will be used, where there are options and
ADD alternative standards that will used (including if not current edition).

195.6 S5.6 Concrete
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA
see s135 Mf for hold down bolts, etc
see s171.19 QS ITP Concrete above

- is there a standard shuttering size?
- ground preparation (compacted, concrete, dampcourse, other)
- are all penetrations, connections, etc, in place?
- hold down or thru bolts. Thread protection.
- Reinforcement prep & laps, construction joint, saw cut detail, cover for steel, bonded dowels , std kerbs & channels(**^S&H~SD100)
- Saw cut joint detail (**^S&H~SD100)
- shuttering will contain water?
- what grade if concrete is required?
- what finish is reqd?
- max time before concrete must’ve cut?
- what work will follow, handover to (cured)/ when, how? What preparation is needed?
- if a hot day, hydration, energy/ snacks

- PPE (steel cap gumboots, hi viz, gauze glasses, hard hat, etc)
- concrete pump; location
- concrete truck; access, egress, (spotter when backing)
- documentation (conc cert) checked
- who decides if to add water?
- how are correct thickness & falls maintained?
- existing concrete, etc to be protected with tape, covers etc or cleaned up with brush and water as concrete placed.
- who ensures chairs are in correct?

- cleanup when complete; location, waste disposal?

- how is curing controlled (ponding, sprinklers, covers, curing compound, ?). See spec for special requirements
- concrete cutting (when). # high temp difference (eg overnight) will lead to cracking before cutting

For attachments to nibs/ edges of concrete **^ ApxM8fsign01 1407 Constr Signs-S Dynabolts

===== Honeycombing repair products

195.6 S5.6 Concrete walkways
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

1 Prepare ground with sand blinding or similar to provide an even base giving concrete a uniform thickness.
2 Use 25 MPa concrete 100mm thick with SE62 mesh or equivalent.
3 Finish with a light broom for slip resistance.
4 Saw cut the tidy concrete at approx. 5m centres or to line with corners of fixed bases etc.

Safe Eyes06 377 3378
   WGN, NZ
1 option for gauze safety glasses
200 T Tanks
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Inflow capacity; pump, breathing, steam heating, other
Venting capacity; for above
Overflow capacity;

As a guideline for all equipment CONSIDER:

Because of the proportions of shop-assembled storage tanks, overturning as a result of wind loading must be considered. If necessary, adequate provisions for anchoring shall be provided.
• including temporary storage/ anchoring, if permanent anchoring is not installed immediately.

201 T HSNO Tank Fabrication
**/ s171.20 QT Tank ITP


A compliance certifier may also certify a fabricator for the purpose of constructing a stationary tank or process container in accordance with a design.
WorkSafe must keep a record of every design and every fabricator that is certified by a compliance certifier for stationary container systems that are to be produced in series by a company certified by a compliance certifier.
The Stationary container system design & fabricator record contains information about stationary tanks, process containers and fabricators that have been allocated a record number and for which additional conditions may have been imposed by WorkSafe.

Consult the record to identify whether a stationary tank, process container and/or fabricator has been recorded with WorkSafe before proceeding with the installation, repair, modification and/or alteration of a tank and/or process container.

210U Drives
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Drives (gearboxes, chains, etc); greased and oiled
Food quality grease
Grease nipples all marked (and greased)

211U Lubrication- Food site
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

All lubricants (grease and oils) are to be food grade (non food grade requires engineers' approval)

230W Electrical

== Plugs; ^vW Jackson ELECTRICAL-Plugs-Connectors-Brochure-2022
3Ø= 125A- 4 or 5 pin, 63A- 4 or 5 pin, 32A- 4, 4 or 5 pin, 16A- 5 pin, 15A- 4 pin
1Ø= 63A, 32A, 16A
1Ø 240V Flat pin= 10A, 15A, 20A

===== X Contract General & Key items
Contract Terms; ∆ Apx0 s240X
∆ Apx2 s240X
^ ApxX2.1f02 Variation Procedure (ie no surprises)

=== Dates can be whole contract or portions (to be recorded). Refer contract for teminology
Letter of Acceptance Date; _
Contract Agreement Date; _
Access Date; _
Dates for Liquidated Damages (start-end); _
Takeover (Practical Completion); _
DLP Completion Date; _
Project Completion Date; _

=== Invoices to incl
. PO number
. if they progress or final payment. Otherwise the PO might be closed and payment is slowed

240X Schedule of Rates required for contract
Contract charge out rates for (rates to include all margins)
Normal rates, overtime rates (and times) for following:
check ^ApxM1f07 Site Equip list.xlsx

_ Site manager, Site supervisor, Foreman, Leading hand
_ Carpenter, Hammer hand, Labourer, Apprentice
_ Welders (qualified, unqualified)
_ Fitter
_ Pipe fitter
_ Electrician, Labourer
_ Plumber, Labourer
_ Concrete layer, Labourer
_ Scaffolder, Labourer
_ Painter, Labourer
_ Flooring Layer
_ Other trades if required.
_ Apprentice/ Trades Assistant/ Labourers for above

=== Sub Suppliers (if not listed above)
Mark up on sub trades
Mark up on parts and equipment
- Scaffolding
- Craneage

=== Machinery
Excavation; digger (size and rate), $/ m3
Cranes, Hiab, Forklifts,
Scissor lift,

=== Overheads
Establishment, Disestablishment (incl explanation what these do/ do not cover)
Car, truck,

===== TRADES
=== carpentry
$/m Timber framing
$/m2 Gibboard (supply, fix and stop)
$/m2 Paint walls, ceiling

$/m concrete cutting (xxx tk)

=== Painting
cost /m2 for each paint system;
_ dry area (inside)
_ wet area (inside)
_ external (outside)
_ intumescent paint
_ other

241X Insurances- see Apx 2 s240X

* Check; cover, valid from- to, Client named, endorsements?

242X Practical Completion
∆ Apx0 s240X
NZS 3910 c10.4.1 . . Practical Completion ...Works ... are complete except for minor omissions...:

Works able to be used by Client or next contractor. The following shall be completed/ supplied before a Practical Completion certificate will be issued:
_ Supplier documentation required to allow use of the works, eg PS1, PS3, elect COC, etc
_ all asbestos documentation
_ passed all tests (with prelim test reports),
_ final council building inspection, with only minor issues or documentation outstanding (typically CCC to come)
_ training complete, incl training manuals and training registers
_ handover documents (as built drawings and documents, manuals, assets lists)
_ list of minor omissions. deferred works
_ other documents specified in contract
_ site to be cleaned and tidy (internal and external)

* Record date for Practical Completion cert

245X DLP & Guarantees
See contract (otherwise use):
DLP applies from date of Take over certificate

Guarantees apply from end of DLP
The Supplier will use its best endeavours to enforce any guarantees or warranties given by the manufacturer of any products used by the Supplier in carrying out the Work.

Typical guarantee periods
5 yr . Insulation system
2 yr . Rapid roll doors
5 yr . Aluminium joinery & glazing
5 yr . Floor coverings
5 yr . FRIP panels
20 yr . Colorsteel roofing

245X Title & Risk
5.1 Title to any goods (including any parts or items supplied as part of a service) passes to the Client on delivery, but where the Client pays any part of the price before delivery then title passes on payment.
5.2 Risk remains with the Supplier until completion of delivery and acceptance of the goods by the Client.
5.3 The receipt or signature of a delivery by a Client's representative is not acceptance of either the quality or quantity of the goods. Acceptance of any goods will be subject to the Client's inspection and subsequent use of the goods.

250Y Admin
For time and materials work- timesheets to be signed daily (unless agreed otherwise)
=== When approving timesheet, incl with signature
- cross out unused lines
- job #
- list hours total
- list materials (total)
- approved . . Name
- date . . . signature

250Y Documentation
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

Contract/ Purchase Order
contractor's insurance
Work plan

Consents; Resource, Building,
PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Code Compliance Certificate

Progress reports
Red line drawings and documents
Punchlist (prepare, closeout)
Manuals; operational (start up, operation, shutdown), maintenance, training
Take over certificate
Completion certificate

For as built requirements see; ApxY4f02 Docs & Drgs-app4 As Built.pdf

250Y1.4 Reporting
* review s1 Preparation and s170 QA

See ApxY1.1f05 1604 Rpt Progress

251Y1 Timeline
∆ s1 Preparation and s170 QA
∆ Apx0 s250Y Timeline terms

∆ Apx1 s36;
- Stages
- Needed Early
- Need for Pre commissioning
- Need for Commissioning

259Y Close out Documents
An ecopy of all close documents is required on a USB (or DVD)
This is to be supplied with a formal transmittal, so that this is on the record for both parties.
If a draft list of the docs is supplied before the formal transmittal, then this can help.

A copy to be put in the project close out folder
If appropriate , a copy to be put in Site Building Consent folder.
Other people to be copied as required;
- Site process engineer,
- Site structural engineer
- site fire cell data folder
- Environmental
- Food Safety and Quality

300 Fonterra Contract
-c3.15 Inspect existing
-c3.16 inspect temporary works
-c3.28 inspect existing equip
-c3.30 Factory (materials, test and spec)
-c3.31 inspect filter material installed
equip greased and oiled
-c5.1.6 Inspect site
-c5.11 Law compliance (building consents, electrical
-c6.4 Reports
-c10.4.1 Test reports

As per SPEC & standards (see c4.1 to 4.22)
Concrete Certs

Index, Abbreviations & Definitions
**/ Apx 1 s990=
10 A Process
20 B Building
30 C site
40 D Dryers
50 E Heating
60 F Filters
70 G Mixing
80 H Material Handling
90 i Instrumentation
100 J Control
110 K1 Risk. K2= Safety. K_= Services
120 L Liquid Handling, Piping
130 M Construction. Mf Fasteners. Mw Welding
140 N Maintenance
150 o Materials
160 P Pumps
170 Q Quality
180 R Production
190 S Structural
200 T Tanks
210 U Motors and Drives
220 V Valves
230 W Wiring and Electrical
240 X Purchasing & Accounts
250 Y Admin
260 z Misc

xxx7 QA, ITP
xxx8 Documents
xxx9 Handover

**^ Refer to named doc
**/ Refer to this web page (name= address)

=== Heading, new subject
= Company specific item
• or - information
_ list to be checked off

EDP Equip Design Press; safety valve setting, pump dead head pressure, OPSO, etc
EDT Equip Design Temp; maximum achievable process temperature, trip set point
. same as Allowable Working Press/ Temp; MAWP/M AWT, in some codes
ODP Operating Design Press; expected operating range for PROCESS sizing of equipment
ODT Operating Design Temp; “
BOP Battery limit Operating Press; BDP must equal EDP
BOT Battery limit Operating Temp; BDT must equal BDT
HTP Hydro Test Press; ref B31.3, cl 4.2
HTT Hydro Test Temp; ambient (unless otherwise noted)
RPR Relieving Press Rise; < (EDP +10 to 16%) ASME VIII Div 1 UG133a
OPSO Over Press shut Off;
Corr Corrosion Allowance; 0 for stainless steel and plastic, 1.6 mm for carbon steel

Also applies for; Flow, Level, Speed, etc
Equipment Design often includes maxXXX and minXXX etc.

===== SITE Drg markups
Yellow highlight= installation complete, mech, instr or elect (highlight each tag)
Blue highlight= flushed and pressure tested (mechanically complete), ie turns green
Red Highlight= Wired and belled/ stroked, bumped (operational), ie turns orange
Red pen= changes
Initials and dates are helpful, if later changes

to be sorted

besafe Workplace Training0800 333 899 220J Bush Road,
Auckland 0632
   -, NZ
ITW, Industry Training Works Ltd, HO and Trying Centre+64 7 886 5669 Old Fire Station
Kinleith Mill Road,
New Zealand

   WKO, NZ